Proszę o przetłumaczenie na jez ang, bardzo pilne.."'Pierwszy miesiąc moich wakacji spedziłam w domu.Nie mogę powiedziec ze sie nudzilam poniewaz bardzo czesto spotykalam sie z przyjaciolmi. W sloneczne dni spedzalismy czas nad woda a kiedy pogoda nie dopisywala wspominalismy wspolnie dawne czasy i bylo na prawde zabawnie. Staralam sie takze pomagac moim rodzicom w domu. W weekendy jezdzilismy na dyskoteki ale byłam tez na kilku 18-stkach moich kolezanek.W sierpniu pojechalam do mojej siostry ciotecznej ktora mieszka w warszawie. Czesto chodzilysmy na zakupy , zwiedzalysmy galerie , chodziłyśmy na basen oraz do parku.. Wieczorami chodzilysmy do kina badz spedzalysmy czas w domu z jej przyjaciolmi.Poznalam tam kilka fajnych osob z ktorymi nadal mam kontakt.Moja siostra pokazala mi takze wiele ciekawych miejsc ktore bardzo mi sie spodobaly..Mimo ze w warszawie spedzilam milo czas brakowalo mi tam moich znajomych i tej ciszy ktora zawsze panowala w mojej miejscowosci. te wakacje minely mi na prawde szybko ale i tak mi sie podobaly
I can in (to) from (with) with (from) " ' first month my vacation very spedziłam domu.Nie powiedziec sie nudzilam poniewaz czesto spotykalam sie przyjaciolmi. beguile days in (to) over water time (sometimes) sloneczne spedzalismy when weather not old time (sometimes) dopisywala wspominalismy wspolnie and on amusing bylo prawde. In house my father (parents) Staralam sie takze pomagac. To weekends on discoes jezdzilismy but I was live on several for my sister in warsaw theses my august 18-stkach kolezanek.W pojechalam ciotecznej ktora. On shopping Czesto chodzilysmy, gallery zwiedzalysmy, we walked on basin and for park. There there it beguile several great for cinema (movies) in house with its (her) with (from) from (with) in warsaw evenings (in the evening) me my familiar time (sometimes) still sister me many curious place very time (sometimes) me chodzilysmy badz spedzalysmy przyjaciolmi.Poznalam osob ktorymi kontakt.Moja pokazala takze ktore sie spodobaly..Mimo spedzilam brakowalo and in my this calm always ktora panowala miejscowosci. These vacations on me fastly minely prawde and also me sie podobaly
The first month I spend my holidays at home. I can not say that because it bored very often met with friends. In the sunny days spend time oh the water and when the weather was nice not mentioned together a old times and the truth was funny. I tried to also help my parents at home. On weekends we would go to discos but. I was also oh several 18-stkach my colleagues. In August went to my sister's cousin who lives in Warsaw. We wentoftento shop,zwiedzalysmygalleries,the pool andwalkedto the park
We wentto the cinemaeveningsBehanging outat home withherprzyjaciolmi.Poznalamsome nicepeopletherewith whomI still havekontakt.Mojasistershowed mealsoa lot ofinteresting placesthatI reallyliked..Even thoughI spentwarsawnicetimethere,Imissedmyfriends, andthis silencehas alwaysreignedin myvillage.Theseholidayshave passedmethetruthsoquicklybutI liked
I can in (to) from (with) with (from) " ' first month my vacation very spedziłam domu.Nie powiedziec sie nudzilam poniewaz czesto spotykalam sie przyjaciolmi. beguile days in (to) over water time (sometimes) sloneczne spedzalismy when weather not old time (sometimes) dopisywala wspominalismy wspolnie and on amusing bylo prawde. In house my father (parents) Staralam sie takze pomagac. To weekends on discoes jezdzilismy but I was live on several for my sister in warsaw theses my august 18-stkach kolezanek.W pojechalam ciotecznej ktora. On shopping Czesto chodzilysmy, gallery zwiedzalysmy, we walked on basin and for park. There there it beguile several great for cinema (movies) in house with its (her) with (from) from (with) in warsaw evenings (in the evening) me my familiar time (sometimes) still sister me many curious place very time (sometimes) me chodzilysmy badz spedzalysmy przyjaciolmi.Poznalam osob ktorymi kontakt.Moja pokazala takze ktore sie spodobaly..Mimo spedzilam brakowalo and in my this calm always ktora panowala miejscowosci. These vacations on me fastly minely prawde and also me sie podobaly
The first month I spend my holidays at home. I can not say that because it bored very often met with friends. In the sunny days spend time oh the water and when the weather was nice not mentioned together a old times and the truth was funny. I tried to also help my parents at home. On weekends we would go to discos but. I was also oh several 18-stkach my colleagues. In August went to my sister's cousin who lives in Warsaw. We wentoftento shop,zwiedzalysmygalleries,the pool andwalkedto the park
We wentto the cinemaeveningsBehanging outat home withherprzyjaciolmi.Poznalamsome nicepeopletherewith whomI still havekontakt.Mojasistershowed mealsoa lot ofinteresting placesthatI reallyliked..Even thoughI spentwarsawnicetimethere,Imissedmyfriends, andthis silencehas alwaysreignedin myvillage.Theseholidayshave passedmethetruthsoquicklybutI liked