Proszę o przetłumaczenie na angielski;) masz może dziś wolny wieczór? może poszlibyśmy razem do kina. film jest komedią romantyczną. Opowiada (on jest o) miłości wampira ze śmiertelniczką. W rolach głównych występują Robert Pattinson i Kristen Stewart. Później,my idziemy do Oliwi na imieninowe przyjęcie. Spotkajmy się o 18 na przystanku obok kina.
You can now free evening? can poszlibyśmy together to the cinema. the movie is a romantic comedy. Talks (he is) mortal love with a vampire. The film stars Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. Later, we are going to Oliva, the name-acceptance.'s Meet will be 18 at the bus stop next to the cinema.
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You can now free evening? May go together to the cinema. the film is a romantic comedy. Talks (he is) mortal love with a vampire. The film stars Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. Later on, we are going to Oliva, the name-acceptance. Let's meet by 18 at the stop next to the cinema.
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Do you have a free evening today? What do you think of going to the cinema together? A film is a romantic comedy. It tells about vampire's and mortal's love. There are Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart starring. Later, we are going to Oliwia's name-day party. We will meet at 6 pm at the stop next to the cinema.
May go together to the cinema.
the film is a romantic comedy. Talks (he is) mortal love with a vampire. The film stars Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart.
Later on, we are going to Oliva, the name-acceptance.
Let's meet by 18 at the stop next to the cinema.