Proszę o przetłumaczenia pytań na czas Past Simple. 1.Dlaczego nie byłeś wczoraj w kinie? 2. Kto rzucił kamieniem w mojego psa? 3. Czy powiedziałeś mu o swoich zamiarach? 4. Gdzie i kiedy otrzymał pan te zdjęcia? 5. Kiedy przyjechałeś tu po raz pierwszy? 6. Jaki prezent dałeś swojej dziewczynie na urodziny? 7. Ile pytań zadali ci na zebraniu? 8. Co się stało zeszłej niedzieli?
1 Why Didn't you was in the cinema yesterday? 2Who did cast stone at my dog? 3Did you tell he about their intentions? 4When and Where did you get this photos? 5 When Did you come here first time? 6 How Did you give a birthdaygift your girlfriend ? 7 How many did you quesions asked at the meetinG? 8 What did it something happpened last Sunday?
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1. why weren't you in the cinema yesterday? 2. who throwed this stone in my dog? 3. did you tell him him about your intention? 4. where and when did you get this photos/photographs, sir? (tego sir nie musisz pisać, jak chcesz zresztą) 5. when did you go here for the first time? 6. what present did you give your girlfriend for the birthday? 7. how many questions did they ask you at the meeting? 8. what happened last Sunday?