August 2018 3 14 Report
proszę o przetłumacenie na jezyk polski -in england there is a wide variety of shops from huge shopping centres to popular department stores such as Marks and Spencer , Selfridges or Harrods , to small local shops .some people dislike doing the shopping in big stores.Although everything they buy there is carefully weighed out and wrapped up nicely , they feel anonymous.that is why they prefer to buy goods in small specjality shops which usually offer a wide assortment of articles of one kind .for instance , there are shops in which one can buy hats , umbrellas toys , stationery , china , jewellery , records , flowers , cameras or electrical appliances.Books , for example , can be bought in a bookshop , bread- in a bakery , meat - in a butcher's shop , milk and cheese - in a dairy , and so on . Many people like these shops because the atmosphere is friendly and the shop assistants are polite and helpful .
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