x- czesc y-witam x jestem bardzo zla , kolezanka wyciagnela mnie na okropna impreze y to nie dobrze x planowalalam zeby isc do klubu z przyjaciomi ale oni i tak chcieli isc na ta impreze y czemu im tak zalezalo na tej imprezie a nie poszli z Toba do klubu x bo ta impreza byla w nowo otwartej dyskotece zabawa sie nie udala bo bylo za duzo ludzi nie bylo miejsca zeby tanczyc y wspólczuję x jestem bardzo zla .. nie tak mial wygladac ten dzien
x jak minal ci weekend y- super x co robilas ? y zrobilam sobie piknik z kolezankami i bylo fajnie x gdzie y w central parku x a w domu zrobilas jakas impreze ? y nie , ale zaprosilam dziewczyny na seans filmowy x co ogladalayscie ? y horrory , dorota tak sie wystraszyla ze oblala sie cola . bardzo bylo to zabawne
X-hello y-hi x-I'm very bad, girlfriend pulled me to the horrible party y-is not well x-planowalalam to go to a club with friends, but they still wanted to go to this party y;Zemu so they depended on this event and did not go with you to the club
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X - hi! y - hello! x I am a very bad friend pulled me to a horrible event y is not well x I planned to go to a club with friends, but they still wanted to go to this party y why im so keen on this event and did not go with you to the club x because this event was the newly opened discotheque Fun was not a success because there were too many people there was no place to dance y sorry x I'm very bad .. so do not look like he had that day
x how was your weekend y super x what you were doing? y I did have a picnic with her friends and was fun x where y Central Park x and at home you done some sort of party? y no, but invited the girls on the Picture Show x what watch y horror movies, so I freaked dorota of cola poured in August. This was very funny liczę na naj;))
x-I'm very bad, girlfriend pulled me to the horrible party
y-is not well
x-planowalalam to go to a club with friends, but they still wanted to go to this party
y;Zemu so they depended on this event and did not go with you to the club
y - hello!
x I am a very bad friend pulled me to a horrible event
y is not well
x I planned to go to a club with friends, but they still wanted to go to this party
y why im so keen on this event and did not go with you to the club
x because this event was the newly opened discotheque
Fun was not a success because there were too many people there was no place to dance
y sorry
x I'm very bad .. so do not look like he had that day
x how was your weekend
y super
x what you were doing?
y I did have a picnic with her friends and was fun
x where
y Central Park
x and at home you done some sort of party?
y no, but invited the girls on the Picture Show
x what watch
y horror movies, so I freaked dorota of cola poured in August. This was very funny
liczę na naj;))