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Młodą dziewczynę , która pracuje jako kelnerka . Myslę że ma dobry humor bo jest uśmiechnięta . Na tacy niesie biała filiżankę i pyszny deser . Ta dziewczyna jest blondynką , ma czarna czapkę i czarną kolszulkę . Na jej ubraniu widzę też logo firmy dla ktorej pracuje . Dziewczyna znajduje się w pomaranczowym pomieszczeniu a za nią siedzi klient niezbyt widoczny
A young girl who works as a waitress. I think that is good humor, he is smiling. On the tray carries a white cup and a delicious dessert. This girl is blonde, has a black cap and black kolszulkę. On her clothes I see a company logo for which they work. Girl is in the orange room and the client is sitting behind her very visible
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A young girl who works as a waitress. I think it has a good sense of humor because it is smiling. The tray carries a white cup and a delicious dessert. This girl is blonde, has a black cap and black T-shirt. Her clothes I see your company logo for which they work. Girl located in the orange room and the client is sitting behind her very visible.
A young girl who works as a waitress.
I think that is good
humor, he is smiling.
On the tray carries a white cup and a delicious dessert.
This girl is blonde, has a black cap and black kolszulkę.
On her clothes
I see a company logo
for which they work.
Girl is in the orange room and the client is sitting behind her very visible
I think it has a good sense of humor because it is smiling.
The tray carries a white cup and a delicious dessert.
This girl is blonde, has a black cap and black T-shirt.
Her clothes I see your company logo for which they work.
Girl located in the orange room and the client is sitting behind her very visible.