Proszę o przeczytanie tego tekstu i poprawienie błędów. Oczywiście nie chodzi mi o błędy w pisowni a o błędy językowe.
My day usually was very cool. In the morning i have breakfast, dress up and go to the bus stop. At school as usual was boring. When i go to home, have lunch and did do homework. Later i leave outside and play with my dog. After back to house and watch TV. then i read my favourite book. In the evening i ate dinner. After some time i have a bath and go to bed. I always can not wait to next day.
kintaro My day usually is very cool. In the morning i have breakfast, dress up and go to the bus stop. At school, as usual, is boring. When i go home, I have lunch and do homework. Later Igo outside and play with my dog. After back to the house I watch TV. Then I read my favourite book. In the evening I eat dinner. After some time I have a bath and go to bed. I always can not wait to next day.
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I have breakfast in the morning. At school I usually was boring. When I come back home I eat lunch and do my homework. Later I go outside ... After come to home . After sometimes .... I always can't wait to next day
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niektorych zdań nie dokańczałam bo była reszta poprawnie
My day usually is very cool. In the morning i have breakfast, dress up and go to the bus stop.
At school, as usual, is boring. When i go home, I have lunch and do homework. Later Igo outside and play with my dog. After back to the house I watch TV. Then I read my favourite book. In the evening I eat dinner. After some time I have a bath and go to bed. I always can not wait to next day.