October 2018 1 17 Report

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PILNE !!!!!ex.1 Complete the text. Use the correct forms of the words in capital letters.Last week I went to a very (0)interesting talk about a trip to the INTERESTHimalayas. Some of the photos were (1) ____________. The speaker AMAZEsaid that he was really (2) ____________ TERRIFYby the little rope bridges high above the ground. The most(3) ____________ part of the EXCITEtalk was when he describedthe last day. They were so(4) ____________ that they nearly TIREfell but, finally, they made it to the top of K2. One thing I was (5) ____________ by was a really ANNOY(6) ____________ man who sat next BOREto me and kept on talking to me during the talk.ex.2 Complete the text with one word in each gap. My father is a famous musician. He started (0) going to music school (1) ______________ he was 6 years old, that’s 42 years (2) ______________. In 1985, he was sitting at home when he suddenly came (3) ______________ with a tune which he wrote (4) ______________ before he forgot it. After that, he didn’t think about it. At the same time, a TV producer was looking (5) ______________ the problems that new musicians had in getting their music played. It turned (6) ______________ that he and my dad were at school together and he used my dad’s tune in the programme. It became popular and my father became famous.ex.3 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the correct form. 0 Last week I (go) went to the cinema to see the new James Bond film.1 I (paint) ______________ the living room ceiling when I (drop) ______________ my brush onto the TV.2 I (not do) ______________ my homework last night, I forgot.3 Where (be) ______________ you yesterday?4 I (not come) ______________ to see you yesterday because I (sleep) ______________ all evening.ex.4 Complete the questions and answers.A (0) Did you go to the party last night?B No, I (1) ________________. I went to bed early. A (2) What ________________ at eleven o’clock yesterday morning?B I was cooking dinner.A (3) ________________ scared when you saw those dogs?B Yes, (4) ________________. They were really frightening.A (5) ________________ watch cartoons when you were young?B Yes, (6) ________________. I used to watch them all the time.
Mam to przetłumaczyć na poniedziałek , mógłby ktoś pomóc? byłabym bardzo wdzięczna. ;) Mrs Rance, my old English teacher, once wrote on my report card, ' Gavin is a pleasant boy but has no imagination.' Perhaps she was right. Certainly, when I was sixteen, I found writing very stressful - my mind used to go blank in the middle of an essay because I didn't have any ideas. I'm sure Mrs Rance was surprised when I became a writer. The truth is that people work best in different conditions and I had to find out for myself the conditions that were most creative for me. The first thing is to find a place where you enjoy working. I used to do my homework lying on the floor. Nowadays I do all my writing at the kitchen table. The great short story writer Raymond Carver used to write while he was sitting in his car, parked in front of his apartment. Others find the noise and distractions of libraries or railway stations more inspiring than at a desk at home. The next thing is to identify the time of day when you feel creative and can work without interruption. Toni Morrison, the American novelist, used to get up half an hour before dawn, light a candle and wait for the sun to come up before she got down to work. I prefer staying up to work when everyone else is asleep. The French writer, Henri d'Aguesseau, whose wife was always ten minutes late for dinner, used this time to write every evening. He kept on writing and a year later he finished his book (and it eventually became a bestseller!) But what do you do when the ideas aren't coming? The most important thing is to stop concentrating on the problem and to do something else. I find my best ideas come to me when I'm chilling out in the bath. I'm not the only one - Benjamin Franklin did most of his writing in the bath and of course Archimedes solved a complicated problem while he was having a bath. There's a good reason why taking a break in the middle of your work is creative - when you relax it is easier for the right part of the brain (responsible for imaginative thinking) to come up with creative ideas. So it's official - relaxing is creative. Another good time to come up with ideas, according to the scientists, is just after you wake up. At this time your brain is disorganised but the right part of the brain is still very active so you are open to all sorts of unusual ideas. So sometimes I wake up fifteen minutes early and just lie in bed and think - it can be very creative.

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