Proszę o pomoc w uzupełnieniu testu( testy w załącznikach ale w połowie są rozwiązane)
1. trzeba napisac zdania posresdnie
2. trzeab zadac pytania do podkreslonej czesci zdania
3. trzeba uzupełnic
4.terz trzeba uzupełnic
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Pierwszego wgl. nie widzę,
3. You dont know when the airport bus leaves. Ask someone at the bus stop. Odp: Could you tell me when the airport bus leaves?
4.You dont know when the course starts.Odp: Could you tell me when the course starts?
5.You dont know where you can stay. Odp. Could you tell me where I can stay?
6.a) How many trains is there per hour?
b) niewiem
c) How long is the journey?
1. Whereis Davis (gra na perkusji): He is plaing drums.
2.( Zamierzamy kupić)We are going to buy...
Możesz mi powiedzieć gdzie on mieszka? - Can you tell me where he lives?
Chciełbym wiedziec ile to kosztuje - I would loke to know how much is it?
Mozesz mi powiedziec skąd on jest? - Can you tell me where is he from?
Początek testu - obrazek trzeci :
1.Ile kosztuje bilet? - How much id the ticket?
2. hcialbym wiedziec ktora jest godzina. - I would like to know what time it is.
3.Can you tell me how many places we are going to visit?
4.I would like to know hom many classes have we got per week.
5. How much is the course?
1.What platfor do the London trains go?
2. How much is a student ticket?
3. Where can I buy a ticket?
III.Odlatuję : flies.