prosze o pomoc w opowiedzeniu na te pytania po ANGIELSKU i prztłumaczyc je
1where do you work best? At home/ in the library ?
How well do you work when it's noisy and there are distractions??
2What homework do you usually do first / last Why?
3.are you good at multi-tasking ( doing several things at the same time )?
4. how do you relax when you 've got a lot of work ?
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. Gdzie najlepiej ci sie pracuje? W domu/ w bibliotece? Jak ci sie pracuje kiedy jest głośno i kiedy coś przeszkadza?
I work best at home. I can't work very well when it's noisy and there are distractions.
2.Które zadania domowe najczęściej robisz pierwsze/ostatnie? Dlaczego?
I do the the most difficult homework first, then I do the easiest homework. I do that, because my mother gave me that advice.
3. Czy jestes dobry w robieniu kilku rzeczy na raz?
I don't think I'm good at multi-tasking, because I need to focus.
4.Jak odpoczywasz kiedy masz dużo pracy?
I relax while I'm listening to music, lying on the bed, wathing tv, or playing computer games.