January 2019 1 524 Report
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PROSZĘ O POMOC 1.Choose the correct answer 1.My brother said that he was/is mending the chair leg. 2.They told us they have/had chosen the new wallpaper. 3.She told me that she bought/had bought an oil leg. 4.Dave told me that he can't/couldn't find tha ashtray. 5.We said we will/would tidy the bookcase. 6.I told them that I don't/didn't need a new table lamp. 2.Rewrite the sentences as reported speech.Use subject and object pronouns. 1.I was on holiday until yesterday (the suspect). 2.You'll have to stay in jail tonight (the policewoman / the suspect). 3.I want to speak to my lawyer (the suspect / the policewoman). 4.You can see him tomorrow (the policewoman). 5.I'm not staying in jail without seeing my lawyer (the suspect). 3.Complete the conversation between two sisters with said or told.Then rewrite the direct speech as reported speech. 'I can't find my hairbrush' Gemma said. 'I borrowed it this morning' Rosie ..... her 'It isn't in the bathroom,' Gemma ..... to her. 'I left it on your windowsill,' Rosie .... 'I don't like people taking my things' Gemma .... to her. 'I won't use your hairbrush again,' Rosie ..... her 1.Gemma said that she couldn't find her hairbrush. 2.Rosie ........................................................... 3.Gemma......................................................... 4.Rosie............................................................ 5.Gemma........................................................ 6.Rosie...........................................................

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