Proszę o pomoc w napisaniu listu po angielsku ( NIE Z TŁUMACZA ! ) Daję NAJ. Około 120 słów.
Planujesz wyjazd do Wielkiej Brytanii i chcesz aby twój kolega pomógł Ci w znalezieniu pracy. Napisz list do kolegi: * podziękuj za list i poproś o pomoc (w znalezieniu pracy) * zasugeruj jaką pracę i gdzie mógłbyś ją wykonywać * w jakim terminie i na jakich warunkach mógłbyś pracować * podziękuj z góry za pomoc i poproś o szybką odpowiedź
Thank you for your letter. I am looking to work in the UK. Could you help me? I am interested in a teaching position. What are the chances of getting one? I am very interested in working with children because I am very patient and caring. I would like to teach them science. I have a degree in education. Will this be enough? Will I need any references? I can start November 16th and the last day will be March 2. Thanks for all of your help!
Thank you for your letter. I am looking to work in the UK. Could you help me? I am interested in a teaching position. What are the chances of getting one? I am very interested in working with children because I am very patient and caring. I would like to teach them science. I have a degree in education. Will this be enough? Will I need any references? I can start November 16th and the last day will be March 2. Thanks for all of your help!
Talk to you soon,