Proszę o pomoc !Napisz list po angielsku (MAX 130 SŁÓW) - o planach po zakończeniu liceum - gdzie bedziesz mieszkać - skąd pieniadze na utrzymanie -o reakcji rodziców na twoje plany
Tylko proszę, żeby to nie było z tłumacza google. Napisane prostymi czasami, które używa przeciętny uczeń. Pilne! :
Hello my friend I am writing because I want to describe you a fantastic thing. I am finishing school right now and then I am going to study at univeristy. I am going to study English Studies because I think I am really good at English. I really want to live separately, without my parents - I want to come into my own and relieve my parents. I am going to submit the all necessary documents which are required to be given a bursery for social reasons. My parents have a positive attitude towards my plans and so have I. All the best. XYZ
I am writing because I want to describe you a fantastic thing. I am finishing school right now and then I am going to study at univeristy. I am going to study English Studies because I think I am really good at English. I really want to live separately, without my parents - I want to come into my own and relieve my parents. I am going to submit the all necessary documents which are required to be given a bursery for social reasons. My parents have a positive attitude towards my plans and so have I.
All the best.