Napisz opowiadanie o tym co się wydarzyło w czasie powrotu z wakacji i jakie były tego skutki?
Wiem beznadziejny temat, nie wiem jak mój nauczyciel to wymyślił....;/ proszę o pomoc muszę to napisać na jutro! Z góry dziękuję ;]
I spent my vacation on the beach in Florida. I had a blast. I think it was the best summer I ever had. I loved lying on the beach, watching sunsets and swimming in the ocean. Life there isn't complicated at all. It was a great adventure but the most adventorous part was driving back home. On the way home I noticed I didn't pack my backpack into the car. I got so frightened and I started shacking because it was too late to turn back because I have already driven half way so it was a waste going back. I had all my belongings in there: my walet,cell phone, ID card, photos and some clothes. When I got back home I called the hotel and asked if they have found my belongings and thank god they have. As a result I had to pay money to the hotel assistant to send my things back and after 3 days I was happy again because all my belongins have returned to place.