Proszę o Pomoc ..! Mam do Napisania: List do kolegi lub kolezanki ktora wczesniej zaprosiłas na wakacje .W liscie uwzglednij :
*przrepros ze nie odbierzesz jej z dworca lub lotniska podajac powod *doradz jakim srodkiem transportu dojedzie do twojego domu , piodaj czas pozdrozy *zaproponuj 2 formy spedzenia czasu *poradz jakie ubrania i sprezt powinna zabrac ze soba
I 2 Polecenie Napisać, Kartke Pocztowa :
Otzymałes od kolego z Bath zaproszenie na 18-stke. Piszesz Kartke pocztowa w ktorej:
* skladasz zyczenia *dziekujesz za zaproszenie * wyjasniasz dlaczego nie mozesz przyjechac
1. Dera Ania, I invited you to me on vacation, and I sad that I come after you to the airport, but I can't do it, becouse I have to stay with my little brother. You can come to my hause by taxi. This ride will not be long, something about 30 minuts. When You will be in my town we can go to swim to beach, we can go for shopping, or we can go on festival. You should take warm clothes, toothbrush, hairbrush and some money for entertainments
Your lovely XYZ 2. Dear Adam Firstly I wish you a good lock, love and whatever you want. Second I want to thak you for Your invitation, bou I can't come to You on yout birthday, cuz I must go with my parents to hospital to visit my grandmother. But I will come to Bath next month and we can meet.
Dera Ania,
I invited you to me on vacation, and I sad that I come after you to the airport, but I can't do it, becouse I have to stay with my little brother.
You can come to my hause by taxi. This ride will not be long, something about 30 minuts.
When You will be in my town we can go to swim to beach, we can go for shopping, or we can go on festival.
You should take warm clothes, toothbrush, hairbrush and some money for entertainments
Your lovely XYZ
Dear Adam
Firstly I wish you a good lock, love and whatever you want.
Second I want to thak you for Your invitation, bou I can't come to You on yout birthday, cuz I must go with my parents to hospital to visit my grandmother.
But I will come to Bath next month and we can meet.
Greet XYZ