Proszę o opis tego obrazka i sprawdzenie tego co mi udało się wykombonować (nie sądzę by było to dobrze napisane) z góry dziękuję.
In the picture I can see man and woman.Propable they are marriage.They are shoping in a market. A woman is wearing gray jacket and white shirt. She is holding carton of juice and reading list of ingredients. Man is wearing black coat and purple shirt. he is boring becouse he hate doing shoping
In a picture I can see the woman and the man, marriage. They are doing the shopping on the market. The woman is having the grey jacket and the white blouse on. He is a juice box holding in his hand and he is reading the list of ingredients. He is dressed in the black coat and the purple shirt. He doesn't like to do the shopping.. ..
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Zawsze zacznij opis od obrazka od tego czy jest on kolorowy, jeżeli jesteś w LO to na maturze zawsze dostaniesz w kolorze, następnie gdzie zostało zrobione i dopiero co na nim widzisz, na końcu dodajesz, że to zdjęcie ci się podoba, więc piszesz: This foto is colorfull, probably this foto took in supermarket. in the foreground I can see man and woman, may by marriage. They are shopping. A woman is wearing gray jacket and white shirt. She keeps a carton of juice, probably she read carton label. Man is wearing black coat and purple shirt. he is boring because may he doesn't like shopping. In the background I can see shelves.(to zdanie dodałam od siebie gdyż nie moge otworzyć zdjęcie, jeżeli w tle są półki sklepowe to możesz je napisać). I like this photo.
This foto is colorfull, probably this foto took in supermarket.
in the foreground I can see man and woman, may by marriage. They are shopping. A woman is wearing gray jacket and white shirt. She keeps a carton of juice, probably she read carton label. Man is wearing black coat and purple shirt. he is boring because may he doesn't like shopping. In the background I can see shelves.(to zdanie dodałam od siebie gdyż nie moge otworzyć zdjęcie, jeżeli w tle są półki sklepowe to możesz je napisać). I like this photo.