Proszę o napisanie po angielsku : Think of a person who taught you an important lesson. Write a letter to a magazine with a description of the person Include this information : 1) Who the person is and how you know them 2) What the person is like 3) What you learned from them and how they taught you 4) Why the person is special for you
Bardzo proszę, żeby było w miarę rozbudowane, bo jeszcze muszę nauczyć tego opowiadać :) Dziękuję
The most important person for me beside my family members is Bill Gates, he's a perfect example how any kid no matter from which layer of society can achieve wealth. First time I heard about him from my father and from one of Michał Tombak's books. The special thing about him is that from a typical kid living in a poor family he became a bilionaire and well known person on global scale.He's a well known speaker When he told himself something, he wouldn't stop until he achieved it, that man got a spirit noone of us will ever have, until we commit to something with 110%. What he taught me is that the only obstacle between you and your dreams is you and only you. The beggining is the worst, but after some time of let's say learning how to programm you will start enjoying it, and then you will realize that you can spent the next 40 years of your life being happy and working in a great family traveling whenever whereever you want, or you can suffer and struggle with bills and place to stay, the choice belongs to us. Bill Gates is the perfect example how to become someone, despite all things that were staying against him, he stood firmly on the ground.
Pewnie jest tu troche bledow gramatycznych, ale do opowiadania powinno ci wystarczyc. Mam nadzieje ze jakos pomoze.
Pewnie jest tu troche bledow gramatycznych, ale do opowiadania powinno ci wystarczyc. Mam nadzieje ze jakos pomoze.