Proszę o bardzo szybkie rozwiązanie nie mam zielonego pojecia..
1 Complete the sentences with words.
(acupuncture, cough, insomnia, malaria, measles, rabies, sore, temperature tired vaccinated, antibiotic, headache, injury, overwerweight, pain, stress, tablets, toothache, tuberculosis, vaccination)
1 He works very long hours and so he's usually very................
2 My little sister has got................... She's covered in red spots.
3 traditional Chinese medicine uses..............
4............... is passed to humans by some mosquitoes.
5 It's painful for me to speak. I've got a................ throat.
6 It is very dangerous if a dog with.....................bites a person.
7 I sleep very badly because I sluffer from..............
8 he feels very hot because he's got a high.............
9 Children in many countries are .................. against common diseases.
10 She hasn't come to school today because she's got a very bad cold and ...........
11Penicillin was the first ..............
12 TB is short for.............
13 He got a bad sports .......... when he fell during his tennis math.
14 They're ................. and need to go on a diet.
15 I've got a ................... in my leg and it's difficult to walk
16 He's got .................. , so he's going to see the dentist
17 He's under a lot of ............... because his new job is very demanding and he's worried about his wife's poor health.
18 Can you turn the music down, please? I've got a ................
19 The doctor told me to take three .......... a day for the next week.
20 Do you need a ............. against cholera before you travel to some countries in Africa?
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. tired
2. measles
3. acupuncture
4. malaria
5. sore
6. rabies
7. insomnia
8. temperature
9. vaccinated
10. cough
11. antibiotic
12. tuberculosis
13. injury
14. overweight
15. pain
16. toothache
17. stress
18. headache
19. tablets
20. vaccination