Proszę momóc mi w napisaniu listu formalnego . Mają to być proste zdania Szanowny Panie Dyrektorze ! Piszę do Pana ponieważ chciałabym brać udział w kursie Action Academy . Ja chodzę do szkoły w Polsce w miejsowości Kraków . Ja jestem w 3 klasie gimnazjum. Ja uczę się dobrze i jestem ambitna i dynamiczna . Ja lubie lekcje wychowania fizycznego. Ja umiem grać w koszykówkę i piłke ręczną . Umiem skakać ze spadochronem i jeżdzić na nartach . Ja zawsze oglądam w telewizji filmy z udziałem kaskaderów. Ja chciałabym przyjechać na kurs w wakacje czyli w lipcu i sierpniu. Proszę odpisać mi na mój list oraz umieścić niezbędne informacje o kursie Z poważaniem Jaś Kowalski.
Błagam tylko szybko daje naj.
Dear Director! I am writing to you because I would like to take part in a course Action Academy. I go to school in Poland in Krakow . I am in 3rd grade in the secondary school. I learn well and I am ambitious and dynamic. I like physical education classes. I know how to play basketball and handball. I can jump with a parachute and skiing. I always watch movies on TV with stuntmen. I would like to arrive at a rate that is a holiday in July and August. Please write back to me on my letter and put the necessary information about the course Sincerely, Jaś Kowalski.
I am writing to you as I wanted to take a part in Action Academy course. I am from polish school in Cracow. I am in three class of gymnasium. I am learning well and I am ambitious and dynamic. I like lesson of pyhsical education. I like basketball and handball. I can parachute jump and skiing and I like watching show about stantman. I wanted to go on course in July or August. Please anwser on my letter and get most important information.
I am writing to you because I would like to take part in a course Action Academy.
I go to school in Poland in Krakow . I am in 3rd grade in the secondary school. I learn well and I am ambitious and dynamic. I like physical education classes. I know how to play basketball and handball. I can jump with a parachute and skiing. I always watch movies on TV with stuntmen. I would like to arrive at a rate that is a holiday in July and August.
Please write back to me on my letter and put the necessary information about the course
Sincerely, Jaś Kowalski.
I am writing to you as I wanted to take a part in Action Academy course. I am from polish school in Cracow. I am in three class of gymnasium. I am learning well and I am ambitious and dynamic. I like lesson of pyhsical education. I like basketball and handball. I can parachute jump and skiing and I like watching show about stantman. I wanted to go on course in July or August. Please anwser on my letter and get most important information.
Sincerley Jaś Kowalski