Proszę , abyście mi przetłumaczyli to opowiadanie na język angielski , tylko chciałabym aby to było poprawnie zrobione :) Z góry dziękuję :) Niektorym lata 60 i 70. XX wieku kojarza się z tweedowymi marynarkami i rock and rollem. Jednak szara codziennosc zwyklego pracujacego Polaka nie uplywala pod znakiem przyjemnosci Zaczynajac od analizy politycznej, wiemy ze te lata przypadaly na rozne kryzysy. Po latach „kultu jednostki” (wladza miala tylko racje i z nia trzeba było się zgadzac) i po krwawych protestach studentow i robotnikow w Warszawie , Krakowie i na Wybrzezu ludzie calkowicie stracili zaufanie do wladz. . W gospodarce wszelkie reformy jakie chciano przeprowadzac spelzy na niczym. Wszystkie te kwestie bardzo buntowaly inteligencje i ludzi wyksztalconych. Przecietnego polaka bardziej martwila codziennosc w jakiej przystlo mu zyc. Niskie pensje (kartki) w porownaniu z wydatkami przyprawialy go wrecz o statny lekowe. Poza tym sytuacja w sklepach. Gorowaly produkty wytwarzane w kraju. Nie było takich sklepow jak dziś : stosy owocow pietrzacych się na sklepowych polkach,egzotyczne nawet w srodku zimy,nie było roznych rodzajow wedlin i serow. Jedynymi rarytasami w czasch PRLowskich sklepow były niektore owoce z zagranicy których tak wysoka cena powodowala ze prawie nikt ich nie kupowal. Obowiazywal wtedy system kartkowy , to znaczy zywnosc i inne materialy były wydawane za pomoca kartek które mialy jakos usprawnic system placowy. O jakims lepszym miesie tez w tamtych czasach nie warto było myslec.Po prostu go nie było, zapasy miesne były bardzo skape tak więc kilometrowe kolejki do rzeznikow były widokiem wrecz normalnym. W latach 60 i 70 były jednak sklepy które można by było okreslic jako luksusowe. To właśnie w nich można było placic obca waluta. Znajdowaly tam również produkty których nie można było spotkac w polskich sklepach. Najslawniejsze luksusowe sklepy to pewexy . Kiedys babcia mi powiedziala „ktos kto kupil sobie jeansy w pewexie, był bardzo modny”. Przytoczone przezemnie wyzej zdanie pokazuje jak pewexy i inne kapitalistyczne sklepy wywieraly wplyw´na ludzi. Był jednak problem i w tych sklepach. Nie kazdy posiadal pozadana owczesnie walute marki czy dolary. Dlatego również coraz wieksza role odgrywal rynek czarnych walut. Ci co posiadali zagraniczne waluty, często bardzo drogo sprzedawali je tym którzy je potrzebowali.Byl to czas również kantorow walutowych które prowadzone były nielegalnie.Klientow jednak nigdy nie ubywalo mimo wysokich cen.Alhol tez bylraz na jakiś czas, wtedy ludzie szurmowali monople aby kupic np. piwo w butelce. Dzialo się tak ponieważ polacy mieli dość monotonni artykulow pochodzenia polskiego. Skromnosc artykluow spozywczych na rowni stawiana była z artykulami higienicznymi czy odzieza. Jednakowy fason,styl obowiazywal przez kilka lat. Samo wykonanie i kolorystyka tez pozostawialy wiele do zyczenia. Tak więc moja babcia miala racje mowiac ze ktos kto ubieral się w pewexach był na „topie”. Szkolnictwo również spedzalo sen z powiek obywateli PRL-u. Dziś zeszty,kredki inne artykuly szkolne można kupic jednego dnia i wszedzie. Wtedy na wyprawke szkolna czekalo się miesiacami bo co jakiś czas udostepiano jakieś produkty. Ksiazki nowe były dla tych co byli prumusami i otrzymali bony na nowe podreczniki, reszta uczniow odkupowala od siebie uzywane podreczniki. Również warto byloby spojrzec na kuchnie lat 60. i 70. Eksperymenty kulinarne nie były rozbudowane jak dziś. Wyjscie na pizze czy do McDonalda ? Nie ma takiej mozliwosci. Jadano skromnie,gotowano z produktow dostepnych w sklepach.Szynka ,owoce to rarytasy swiateczne były. Codziennosc ludzi lat 60 i 70 nie była latwa. Dziś nie musimy się martwic o to ze czegoś nie znajdziemy w sklepach. I choc to troche nieprawopodobne niektorzy ludzie zyja nadal przeszkloscia i zachowuja się tak jakby zyli nadal w czasach PRLu.
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Some it the 60's and 70's Twentieth century, associated with tweed jackets and rock and roll. However, the gray everyday life ordinary Poles not working out to be a pleasure Starting from a political analysis, we know that these years fall on different crises. After years of "cult of personality" (power which was only right and present had to agree), and the violent protests by students and workers in Warsaw, Krakow and at the coast, people completely lost confidence in the authorities. . In an economy that any reform TO RUN spelzy wanted to nothing. All these issues very rebelling intelligence and educated people. Average Pole was more worried about everyday life in which przystlo him live. Low salaries (cards) in comparison with expenditure made him outright about statny drug. Moreover, the situation in the stores. Towered products manufactured in the country. There was no such shops as it is today: piles of fruit piled up on store shelves, exotic even in the middle of winter, there were different kinds of meats and cheeses. The only rarities in czasch PRLowskich shops are some fruits from abroad which caused such a high price that almost no one was buying. Then force rationing system, that is, food and other materials to be issued for the help pages that were to somehow streamline payroll system. About a month also better in those days it was not worth myslec.Po just was not there, Meat stocks were very sparse so the kilometer-long queues to view outright butchers were normal. Between 60 and 70 shops were, however, which could be described as luxurious. It is in them you could pay foreign currency. There were also products which could not meet the Polish stores. The most famous luxury shops is pewexy. Grandmother once told me that "someone who bought the jeans in pewexie, was very fashionable." Quoted by me above sentence shows how pewexy and other capitalist shops exert wplyw'na people. But there was a problem and in these stores. Not everyone had a desirable brand and then Currency U.S. dollars. Therefore, also played important role in a growing black market rates. Those who possess foreign currency, often very expensive sold them to the ones who potrzebowali.Byl this time also that bureaux de change were conducted nielegalnie.Klientow but never diminished despite high cen.Alhol also bylraz for a while, then people szurmowali Monoplane to buy such . the beer in the bottle. This was so because the poles were quite monotonous articles of Polish descent. Modesty grocery artykluow each play an equally was of articles like hygiene and clothing. A similar fashion, style was valid for several years. Self realization and colors also left much to be desired. So my grandmother was right to say that someone who is dressed in Pewex shops was on the "top". Education also spent their sleepless nights citizens PRL. Today zeszty, crayons other school supplies you can buy one day and everywhere. Then the Schoolbook was waiting up for months at a time because udostepiano some products. New Books were for those who were prumusami and received vouchers for new manuals, the rest odkupowala students from each used textbooks. Also, it would be worth it to look at the kitchens 60s and 70 Culinary experiments have not been developed as it is today. Output for pizza or to McDonald's? There is no such possibility. Simply eaten, cooked with products available in sklepach.Szynka, fruits that were Christmassy delicacies. Everyday life of people 60 and 70 years were not easy. Today we do not have to worry about it with something you will not find in stores. And though it was a little nieprawopodobne some people still live przeszkloscia and behave as if still lived in the time communist regime.
Some years 60 and 70. 20th century kojarza of tweedowymi jackets and rock and roll. However, gray codziennosc an ordinary serving Pole not uplywala under the sign of the pleasure starting political analysis, we know that these years przypadaly to different crises. After years of "cult of personality" (power was just right, and with it we had to match) and after bloody student protests and robotnikow in Warsaw, Krakow and the coast people completely lost confidence in the authorities. . In any economy, reform of what they proposed to spelzy. All these issues very buntowaly intelligence and people wyksztalconych. Przecietnego pole codziennosc martwila more przystlo in which it lives. Low salaries (cards) in comparison with spending it for outright przyprawialy statny adverse drug reactions. Besides the situation in stores. Gorowaly products manufactured in the country. There were no such shops as it is today: piles of fruit on polkach shop pietrzacych, exotic even in the middle of winter, there were different types of sausages and cheeses. The only rarytasami in czasch PRLowskich shops were some of the fruits of that high price powodowala that almost no one bought them. Obowiazywal if the card system, that is to say, food and other materials were issued with cards that were somehow help placowy system. About some better miesie also in those days was worth not to think.Simply it wasn't meat stocks were very skapene so km queue to butchers were facing outright. In the 1960s and ' 70s were shops that you could define as a luxury. It is in them you can pay foreign currency. There also were churchyard products that could not find in stores. Najslawniejsze luxury shopping is pewexy. My grandmother once said, "someone who bought the jeans in pewexie, it was very fashionable." Adduced by me above sentence shows how pewexy and other capitalist stores wywieraly impact ´ on people. He was, however, a problem in these stores. Not everyone possessed the desired currency owczesnie brand or dollars. Why ever greater role played the black market exchange rates. Those who have foreign currency, often very expensive to sell them those who needed them.It was also time that foreign currency illegally are kantorow.Clients, however, never ubywalo despite high prices.Alhol also bylraz for some time, then people szurmowali to e.g. buy monople the beer in the bottle. Happening is because the Poles had enough of monotonni articles of Polish origin. Skromnosc artykluow food on par with best practice in hygiene discuss or odzieza. Same fashion, style obowiazywal for several years. the same execution and colors also pozostawialy a lot to be desired. So my grandmother was right saying that someone who ubieral like pewexach was at the "top". Higher education also like a dream with the eyelids of citizens of PRL. Today, zeszty, pencils and other school items you can buy one day and everywhere. Then wyprawke were waiting for miesiacami to school every now and then udostepiano some products. Books were new for those who were prumusami and received vouchers for new manuals, the rest of the students odkupowala from each other used manuals. Well worth it would be look at the kitchen of the 1960s. and 70. Culinary experiments were not powerful as it is today. Out for pizza or McDonald 's? There is no such possibility. Eaten simply, people with products available in stores.Ham, fruit is a rarities were closing. Codziennosc people of the 1960s and ' 70s was not easy. Today we don't have to worry about is something you won't find in stores. And though it's a little nieprawopodobne and przeszkloscia still live some people behave as if still in a Communistic times zyli.
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