Prosiłabym o przetłumaczenie na angielski;] Na korytarzu obok sali 37a zgubiłam zielony segregator formatu A4. Były w nim ćwiczenia z geografii. Proszę o kontakt pod numer telefonu lub e-mail.
In the corridor by room 37a I lost the green ring binder of the format A4. There was a university class in geography in it. I ask for the light switch up to a telephone number or the e-mail. ; ))
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LOST! I`ve lost green box file (size A4) next to room 37a. There was notes from geography classes inside. Finder please call (numer fona) or e-mail me at : (email)
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In the corridor near class 37a I lost a green, A4 plastic envelope I had my geography workbooks in it. Please contact me by my telephone number or my e-mail.
; ))
I`ve lost green box file (size A4) next to room 37a.
There was notes from geography classes inside.
Finder please call (numer fona) or e-mail me at : (email)
I had my geography workbooks in it.
Please contact me by my telephone number or
my e-mail.