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" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hi Tom,
How are you doing? I hope uou're fine. I haven't hear from you from such a long time!
I wanto to tell you about the last competition. It was a sport day in my town and mayor organised something for teenagers (the most of us is bored our life - there is nothing to do here! So it was a great idea and we decided to took a part in it). On the street lamps, there were adverts. I read one of them when I was going to school.
The competition was on my birthday (12th July) at local sports field. You never guess what! .... I won a gold medal in swimming! It was the best present for me. I was very excited. Of course I can swim well, but I exercised all month at swimming-pool.
Mayor should do more competiton and parties for habitants. It was a splendid day. I ran to my parents and told everything. They was delighted too.
Best wishes,