Engelbart Host Engelbart . Host Engelbart : C. d. e. The mouse was just a tiny piece of a much larger project, aimed at augmenting human intellect. PPDUE Augmenting Human Intelect? Yes, I have always believed that the complexity of the problems facing mankind is growing faster than our ability to solve them Therefore; finding ways to augment our intelect our intellect would seem to be both a necessary and a desirable goal. At that time of the invention of the mouse, I had already been exploring possible ways for people to increase their capability to solve complex problems for more than a dozen years. How did you happen to invent the mouse? Did you simply wake up oneday, and say, "Today I shall invent the mouse"? 4. Who was Doug Engelbart? a. b. C. d. e. The actual invention of the mouse was the result of analyzing the various characteristics of other pointing/ input devices. Much as the Periodic Table of the Elements has characteristics which define grous along rows and columns, we laid out a grid of existing devices. Just as the periodic table's rules have led to the discovery of certain previously unknown elements, this grid ultimately defined the desirable characteristics of a device that didn't exist. That device was the mouse. Did you build that first ouse yourself? No, the hardware design was done by a fellow named Bill English. Bill was an extremely effective guy. We were lucky he was free when this project came up. He wasn't afraid of to dive into anything! Later on, we were joined by Jeff Rulifson, who made a big difference, really a step function improvement, in the quality of the software involved. The founder of the first computer company 5. Why did Engelbart work with Bill English? a. He mastered software b. The inventor of computer mouse The creator of computer software The inventor of a computer keyboard The inventor of many kinds of computer devices He made a big difference He was hardworking and agile He was a famous programer He was effective and free at the moment of project​

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