4. Przeczytaj poniższe definicje i odpowiedz na pytanie :What type of government has Poland got ?junta a group of unelected military officers that control a nation republic a national hovernment whose a gead of state is an elected leadermonarchy a political system in which the he ad of state is a king or queen dictatorship a political system i which the ruler of a nation has total powerdemocracy a form of goverment in which eitizens ele et leader s to represent them8. Przeczytaj teksty, wpisując czasowniki z ramki w odpowiednich formach. charge - try - break - escape - send - steal John parker, a 19-year- odl student from Pennsylvania, USA 1) ___________ into a house i Port Loudon last Tuesday. He 2) ____________ two diamond rings and managed to 3) _____________ without being Facebook accounty on his victim's computer and 4) _____________ with burglay. He will be 5) _____________ before a jury next month and cpuld be 6) ____________ to prison for up to ten years. plead - break - release - catch - go - commit Last week , the notorious criminal , Jake Lodge, was 1) __________ from Reading Prison after aerving a ten-years sentence. Before he was 2) ____________ by police in 2012 , Lodge had 3) _______________ a huge number of crimes ranging from car theft to bank robbery. In 2002, he 4) ___________ on trial and 5) ________________ guilty ot over 30 crimes. "I won't 6) ___________ the law again, " said Lodge after he left prison, " I want to start a new life . "13. Uzupełnij każde zdanie tak, aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Mozesz użyć maksymalnie czterech elementów :1. The thief stole the money while the cashier wasn't looking.BY The money _____________ the thief while the cashier wasn't looking.2. Nobody recognised the man who stole the money.WHO The wasn't ______________________ the man who stole the money. 3. His house was burgled last night.BROKE A bulgral _____________________ last night.4. The jury had difficult making a decison in the trial. FOUNF The jury _____________________ to make a decision in the trial.5. He will probably go to prison for at least two years.LI KELY He is ________________ to prison for at least two years.
20. Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij luki (1-5) właściwymi formami słów z ramki. Jedno słowo zostało podane dodatkowo. be - one - fast - it - mile - lateWhen a lightning bolt travels freom a coild to the ground it causes a huge increase in air pressure and temperature. This creates the sound of thunder. The reason why we see the lighting before we hear thunder 1) _____________ because light travels far 2) _____________ than sound. Therefore, our eyes experience the sound of lightning a few seconds a few seconds later. The next time there's a thunderstorm outsude count the number of seconds between seeing a flash of lihgtning and hearing 4) _____________ crack of thunder, then divide by 5. Then, you'll know how many 5) _____________ away the lihgtning has occurred.21. Uzupełnij zdania, wykorzystując wyrazy z nawiasów tak, aby powstały zdania poprawne pod względem gramatycznym. Nie zmieniaj kolejności wyrazów w nawiasach. W każdym zdaniu brakuje maksymalnie czterech elementów.1) This (be/not) summer we've had in years. This ______________________ summer we've had in years.2) I hope the weather (be/good) tomorrow than it is today. I hope the weather ______________________ tomorrow than it is today.3) I advised (she/walk) to the shops instead of talking her car. I advised ______________________ to the shops instead of talking her car.4) Lisa never (forget/recycle) her household waste. Lisa newer ______________________ her household waste.5) I ( enjoy/watch) the thunderstrom last night. I ______________________ the thynderstrom last night.
18. Przeczytaj teksty ( A- C) i pytania (1-4) . Do każdego pytania dobierz właściwy tekst. Jeden z tekstów pasuje do dwóch pytań.A. Wouldn't it be amazing if you went to the sumermarket and your shopping trolley could direct you to your favourite kind of ice cream or sweets ? In the very near future, this may be possible ! And what if youforget your shopping list ? Scientists have created shopping trolleys that tell you what you bought the last time you went to the sumermarket and will even be able to suggest foods that are on sale. These new trolleys will work just like the GPS devices that are used in cars. B. Many people enjoy playing for hours with game consoles such as PlayStation. But wouldn't it be great to be able to continue gaming while you're out and about ? Well, a new mobile phone called the PlayStation Phone combines high-tech gaming with a mobile phone. This new phone promises to do all the things that an iPhone4 can, but also adds the fun and excitement of all the latest PlayStation games.C. Do you find difficult to get up in the morning ? Are you always late for work or class ? Then you need the IQ Alarm Clock ! Studies have shown that the best way to truly wake up and get motivated for the day agead is to get your brain working. So, the IQ Alarm Clock wakes you up with the usual beeping and then asks you three challenging questions. If you don't answer them correctly, it will keep beeping !Which gadget is best for someone who wants1. to be able to play videos games on the go ? ______2. to have a unique shopping experience ? ______3. to get to places on time ? ____4. to help remembering things ? _____19. Znajdź w tekstach z zadania 18 słowa o następujących znaczeniach :Tekst A :made ___________ , previous __________ , recommend _____________ , machines _____________Tekst B : blends ____________ , most recent _____________Tekst C :really ___________ , demanding _______________ , inspired ___________ , continue _______________
1. Wstaw w odpowiedniej formie następujące czasowniki : turn on - turn down - turn up - switch off - log in - plug in - recharge 1) Kelly _________ her MP3 player and started singin along with her favourite song.2) You have to __________ your account to read your emails.3) After using my laptop for a couple of hours, I needed to ___________ the battery.4) I couldn't hear the song playing on the radio so I _____________ the volume.5) The computer screen wasn't working because I had forgotten to ______ it ______.6) Tom saved his work , ________________ computer, and went to bed.7) My brother asked me to _________ the music because he was studying.2. Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi formami następujących czasowników:discover - invent - do - experiment - patent - study - perfect1)Marie Skłodowska Curie ______________ radium and polonium.2) Ivan Pavlov _____________ experiments with dogs in the 1905.3) Philo Fansworth ____________ his new invention , the electronic television , in 1930.4) Jane Goodall ___________ the behaviour of chimpanzees.5) The Wright brothers ______________ and built the frist aeroplane .6) Benjamin Franklin _____________ with electricity by flying a kite in a thunderstorm. 13. Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij luki (1-3) podanymi wyrazami (A-F) tak, aby powstał tekst poprawny pod względem gramatycznym i leksykalnym. Trzy wyrazy zostały podane dodatkowo.A. pity B.answer C.talk D.deal E.unhappy F.sadScience magazines are really entertaining and I think it's a 1) ____________ that most of my friends don;t read them. These magazines 2) _____________ with such a huge variety of topics that reades like me just can't wait to read the next issue. They are most interesting than our school books and they 3) _________ questions that even step by step guides for students to do experiments at home !

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