Kto mi zrobi 4 zadania? To na jutro. PROSZĘ o pomoc. Z ćwiczeń Exam Connections 3 z Can you remember it 7?1. Circle the correct answer.1.Do you know when the MP3 player........... ?a)has been invented b)was invented c)invented2.Have the plans............ to the building department?a)been sent b)sent c)be sent3.If we don't act now, the planet .............a)will be destroy b)be destroyed c)will be destroyed4.The World Wide Web was developed .............Tim Berners-Lee in the 1980s.a)of b)from c) by5.What's your opinion............. using electric cars in cities?a)to b)for c)of2.Choose the odd one out.1.idea discovery invention radium2.internet printer scanner speakers3.click turn code switch 4.hacker virus protection phishing5.bus plane bicycle transport6.disagree right rubbish nonsense7.then next later first3.Complete the text with the words in the box.Finallyturning offbypassare destroyedto be doneagreescarstransportpublicelectricto be cut downTo start withlook afterIn the opinion of most people, something has ............. about the.................problems in our modern towns. Although it is usually possible to build a.............around a town to keep.................out of the centre, this often damages the environment, as trees have..................., and the habitats of many animals....................Everyone................. that we need to act now, but what can we as individuals do to help the situation?..............., we should leave our cars in the garage as often as we can, and use................transport or ride a bicycle instead. People who drive big cars should think about replacing them with something that uses less petrol. We should all do what we can to reduce pollution, for example by..............the engine when we’re not moving in heavy traffic. A better idea is to buy an..............car..............., we need to act as individuals and not wait for the government or other people to tell us what to do. The environment is the responsibility of us all, and we need to do everything we can to..................it.4.Correct the mistakes.1.Looking out young children is a big responsibility..2.I'm sorry, but I'm not agree with you..3.Edison was invented the electric light bulb in 1879..4.They are checked and final they are uploaded to the server..5.I wanted paper copies so I printed out them.

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