Przytłumaczcie mi to na polski!! Prosze to na jutro!! Nie tłumaczcie przez jakieś tłumacze bo wam tak dokładnie nie przetłumaczy a jak będzie co takiego jak "byugfewifc" to zgłaszam spam!!!!!! A: Mum: Gina, are you going to do your Maths homework? Gina: No, Mum. There`s no point. Mum: Yes, there is. You will need Maths when you grow up. Gina: No, I won`t. I`m going to be a famous singer, so I won`t need to know about Maths. Mum: A famous singer? Gina: Yes. I`m going to make lots of records and I`m going to do a world tour every year, so I`ll see lots of different countries. Mum: I see. I expect you`ll make a lot of money. Gina: Of course. I`m going to drive a real sports car, wear expensive clothes and have two pet dogs. I`m going to be very rich. Mum: In that case, you`ll make a lot of money. Now do your homework! Gina: Oh, Mum! B: John: So, Les, when are you going to Africa? Les: I`m not sure, probably the end of next week. John: How long are you going to be away? Les: About three and a half weeks. John: Oh! So who`s going to water your plants and feed your cat? Les: Well, my next-door neighbour is going to water my plants and collect my letters but my cat is going to stay with my sister. John: Well, have a good trip then. Les: I`m going on business, not to have a good time. John: It`ll be a great experience, though. Les: Yes, I suppose so, but I`ll miss my cat. C: Jan: Franco? Hi -- it`s Jan here. I`m calling from England. Franco: Hi, Jan! What`s up? You haven`t changed your mind, have you? Jan: No way! It`s just that we`re packing at the moment, and we aren`t sure what clothes to bring. What`s the weather like over there? Franco: Well, it`s been cloudy for the last few days, but the forecast says it`s going to get hot soon. Jan: Okay -- so I`ll pack T-shirts and shorts. Franco: Yeah ... but remember, it can get quite chilly in the evenings,so bring a couple of jumpers , too. Jan: Okay. Thanks. See you soon! Franco: Bye. ...

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