Dobrze jest to przetłumaczone? :1.On na pewno mieszka na wsi2.Powinieneś był uczyć się więcej do tego testu3.Nasz tata nie musi brać tych lekarstw codziennie4.Być może on próbuje do nas zadzwonić5.Niepotrzebnie pozmywałeś naczynia6.On na pewno nie wyszedł z przyjęcia późno7.On na pewno nie zrobił nic złego8.Ludzie którzy tutaj pracują muszą zmieniać obuwie 9.My byliśmy w stanie wziąć udział w tym konkursie10.My nie musieliśmy płacić za bilety11.Czy on musi tak ciężko pracować12.Ona musiała o tym wiedzieć od kilku tygodni(nie byłam pewna więc pisałam kilka wersji jednego zdania)1.He must live in the country. He lives in village for sure. He definitely lives in a village.2.You should have studied more for this test.3.Our Dad doesn't have to take those pills every day.4.He may try to give us a ring.Maby he's going to try to call us.Maybe he is trying to call us.5.You didn't have to wash those dishes.6.He can't have left the party very late.He certainly didn't leave this party too late.He definitely didn't leave the part late.7.He can't have done anything bad.He haven't made anything wrong for sure. He definitely didn't do anything bad.8.Our employees have to change their shoes.People that work here must change their shoes. People who work here need to change their shoes.9.We could have taken part in that competition.We were able to take part in this contest.10.We didn't have to pay for the tickets.11.Does he have to work that hard?Does he need to work that hard?12.She must have known about it for weeks. She had to know about this from few weeks.

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