Bardzo prosze o pomoc... England is one of the most often visited countries. It’s full of beautiful historic cities like York but also full of pleasant countrysides with amazing landscapes and attractive coastline. England have as well very big cities with a lot of famous monuments. Characteristic for this country are very good shopping facilities and many types of accommodation, also cheap-one. What is very helpful for tourists, there is available good network of Tourist Information Centres. Very important and valuable for drivers is toll-free motorways and widespread availability of lead-free petrol. Wide variety od good cousine attract tourists too. There is also very good choice of language school. England is attractive for people because there are many historical traditions and ceremonies. This country have also a disadvantages as like litter and pollution. Beaches are polluted too. Similar to other countries there is poverty and violence, but this isn’t change fact, that England is very pupular, touristic place.Prosilam o to poprzednio, ale odpowiedzi były bez sensu, więc proszę ponownie. Proszę o to, aby ktoś ładnie połączył te wszystkie zdania, żeby to było płynne oraz poprawił ewentualne błędy. Można dokonac jakichś zmian. Brakuje również 50 słów, zeby była to pełna praca domowa, więc można coś dopisać używają zwrotów:-high standards of health and hygiene-free press/media-politically stable Będę bardzo wdzięczna

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