2 Połącz zdania, używając zaimków względnych (who, whom, whose, where, when, which, that). Pamiętaj o wstawieniu przecinków w odpowiednich miejscach. (1 pkt za każdą poprawną odpowiedź = 7 pkt)1. My flatmate played computer games all night. It wasn’t a problem for me._______________________________________________________________________________________2. Surprisingly, Barney won a dancing competition. Barney is a little overweight._______________________________________________________________________________________3. I was shocked when Cecile shared my secret with the whole class. I trusted Cecile more than anybody else._______________________________________________________________________________________4. Alice got an ‘A’ from her History exam. Alice’s grades have never been too good._______________________________________________________________________________________5. Last year, I had the best holiday of my life so far. Last year my brother got married._______________________________________________________________________________________6. I was brought up in a small town with a beautiful lake. The lake is 15 metres deep._______________________________________________________________________________________7. I think I’ve left my wallet on the kitchen table. You can also find some delicious biscuits on the kitchen table._______________________________________________________________________________________2 Połącz zdania, używając zaimków względnych (who, whom, whose, where, when, which, that). Pamiętaj o wstawieniu przecinków w odpowiednich miejscach. (1 pkt za każdą poprawną odpowiedź = 7 pkt)1. John thought his school offered poor education. The school had a very good reputation._________________________________________________________________________________2. My home town is in the north ofEngland. The famous poet Steven Williams was born there._________________________________________________________________________________3. Joanne told me her boyfriend is the nicest person in the world. I have never met Joanne's boyfriend._________________________________________________________________________________4. My Tuesdays are usually very busy days. I play tennis with Chris on Tuesdays._________________________________________________________________________________5. Ted invited me to his birthday party. Ted's brother is very handsome._________________________________________________________________________________6. I see you have prepared spinach and pork chops for lunch. I actually don't like spinach very much._________________________________________________________________________________7. Richard gets into all sort of trouble all the time. Richard lives next door.______________________________________________________________________________Oba zadania są podobne, tyle że z innymi przykładami w sumie 14 podpunktów bardzo mi zależy na szybko .

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