1) Circle the correct answer.- I WENT/'VE BEEN to France two years ago.-DID YOU EVER MEET/ HAVE YOU EVER MET a famous person ?- We DIDN'T DO/ HAVEN'T DONE a test yesterday.-When HAVE YOUR PARENTSMET/ DID YOUR PARENTS MEET ?-My best friend HAS NEVER BEEN/ DIDN'T GO ON an aeroplane.2) Complete the sentences . Use the past simple or present perfect form of the verbs in the box.COME, NOT RAIN, LIVE, NOT WIN, NOT STUDY, GO- We..........in this town since 2001.- My grandparents.......... English when they were young.- I........to this school three years ago.- I.........any trophies in my life.- My friends............ swimming yesterday.- It....... tehre for weeks.3) Complete the questions. Use the past simple or present perfect.-........................(you/ever/travel) to another country?- Where..............( you/ go) ?- ..................( your sister/ ever/ meet) a famous person ?-Who....................(she/meet)?-..................( you/ ever/see) a ballet ?-Which ballet.....................(you/see)?4) Copllete the table. Use the time expressions in the box.1989, an hour, two o'clock, two weeks, the minutes, I was young, last week,three years, a month, JanuarFor:................................Since:..............................5) Complete the sentences. Use the present perfect and for or since.- ........................( study) English............the last eightyears.- We....................(be) in this class............ last September.- My sister...........( know) her boyfriend........ ten months- I'm a vegetarian. I .....................(not eat) meat............years.- Our teatcher..................(work) here............1999.6) Write questions Use how long and the present perfect. Then completethe answers.-you/ livein this town?.........................................(since September last year.)For....................................-you/ study English?.........................................(For threeyears)Since...................................-you/ have this book ?.........................................( Since Tuesday last week.)For.....................................- you/ know yourbest friend?( For seven years.)Since...................................7)Complete the text. Use the words in the box.'ve, has, since, for, ever, ago, begun, began, didn't, beenHave you............. watched a tennis match between Venus and Serena Williams? These American sisters have played tennis............ they were young, and they.......... changed the face of women's tennis. They...........winning tournaments when they were only ten years old. Now, Venus and Serena have..............professional player............. many years. Venus.............won 29 singles titles, and her sister has won 23. They also won the doubles tournament at the Olympic Games in Sydney 2000. Venus got another gold medal, but her sister................... A few years..........., Venus ans Serena completed a course in fashion design at the Art Institute of Florida. Now, in addition to playing tennis, they've............. to work in fashion.
POMÓŻCIE PROSZĘ 1) Uzupełnij pytania. Nastepnie napisz krótkie odpowiedzi, używając will i won't. a)..............................(people/drive) cars? Odp............................ b) .............................(you/be) a grandparent? Odp........................... c).............................(people/travel) in space? Odp.......................... d)............................(everybody/have) a computer? Odp.......................... e)............................(the weather/ be) hotter? Odp.......................... 2) Uzupełnij dialog czasownikami z ramki w odpowiedniej formie. be, not drive, have, help, not go, use, do, not think PROFESSOR: Yes- I think the world a).........very different. First, we b)........... robots! PRESENTER: Really? And what c)....... the robots d)..........? PROFESOR: Well, they e).......... for us, but they f)....... with the housework. PRESENTER: Great! And wath other differences do you predict? PROFESSOR: People g) ...... cars. I think we h)........ public transport. And perhaps students i)....... to scgool. PRESENTER: Do you think so? That will be popular! 3) Zakreśl prawidłowe wyrazy. Następnie dopisz sześć nazw przedmiotów. plastic: wardrobe/ toys wood: desk/ notebook fabric: sweatshirt/ computer paper: mirror/ magazine metal: car/ sandals 4) Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami z ramki w odpowiedniej formie. not turn off, recycle, protect, save, pollute, destroy a) You......... the river if you throw rubbish in it. b) If you........ the tap, you'll waste water. c) If people cut down all the trees, they........ the rainforests. d) You'll help the environment if you....... all your plastic bottles. e) If you turn off the lights, you...... energy. f) If we give them money, Greenpeace...... the environment. 5) Uzupełnij zdania podanymi czasownikami w odpowiedniej formie. np. Paul will go out( go out) with Mary if she phones(phone) him. a) If Sara..........(invite) us, we......(go) to her sleepover next weekend. b) We.......(not watch) the film if it.......(be) terrible. c) If Jack........(pass) his exams in June he...... (not study) in August. d) I ...........(send) you a postcard if I.........(REMEMBER). e) If Cathy.....(not finish) her homework tonight, she.......(do) it tomorrow. f) If I ........(not go) to university, I........(get) a job.
A) Zakreśl prawidłowa formę. Peter Jackson is a famous director.Ge also(1)........(CREATES SOMETIMES/SOMETIMES CREATES) computer games. He(2)..........(WAS BORN/ DID BORN) in Pukema Bay, New Zealand. He(3)........(WAS MAKING/ MADE) his first film when he(4)........(HAD/ WAS) nine years old. His partner's name is Fran. He(5).........(MET/ MEETS) her when he(6)..........(WAS MAKING/ WERE MAKING) a film. Peter Jackson made the Lord of the Rings films between 1999 and 2000. The three films(7)..... (WAS/WERE) big hits and he(8)........(WON/WAS WINNING) three Oscars for them. He also(9).........(WAS MAKING/MADE) a news version of King Kong.Peter(10)........(MAKES/ IS MAKING) a new film at the moment. b)Odpowiedz na pytania, zapisując odpowiedzi pełnym zdaniem. Wykorzystaj informacje z ćw.a 1)How old was Peter Jackson when he made his first film? 2)What was he doing when he met his partner? 3)When did he make the Lord of the Rings films? 4)What did he win? 5)what is Peter Jackson doing now? c)Zakreśl prawidłowa forme. 1)People WASTE/THROW AWAY a lot of electrity because they don't turn off the TV. 2)Remember to POLLUTE/SAVE water! Turn off the tap when you clean your teeth. 3)People in Britain RECYCLE/KEEP CLEAN some of their rubbish. 4)If we cut down all the trees, we will PROTECT/DESTROY the rainforests. 5)The ozone layer POLLUTES/ PROTECTS us from the sun. d) Ułóż zdania, używając wyrazu lub zwrotu z każdej kolumny. A B C Don't recycle rivers. Don't forget to pollute bottles. Remember to waste the lights. turn off paper. throw away the tap. water. 1)............................. 2)............................. 3)............................. 4)............................. 5)............................. 6)Don't pollute rivers. e)Jak często wykonujesz czynności z ćw d)?Napisz zdania zgodnie z prawdą.Zastosuj przysłówki częstotliwości.

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