1.Fill in the correct form of the verb to be. Lang Form 1.I am Robert. 2.She is not a teacher 3.He........a doctor. We........from Spain. It......a telephone. You........not Mark. They............sisters. I.........not tall Short Form I'm Robert. She isn't a teacher He.......a doctor. We........from Spain. It......a telephone. You........Mark. They............sisters. I.........tall 2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb to be. Hi, My name is George. I ................ a Football player. This .......... Harry. Harry and I .............team mates. We.................also good Friends. I..............twentthree years old and Harry..................twentytwo.We...........from Cambridge, England! 3.Look at the pictures and fill in is/isn't are/aren't and he,she,it or they . b) to jest dyrektorka bo obrazkow nie mam. Nora..............a secretary. .................at home now ? No,..................... . ............................ at work c) na tym obrazku jest gitara This.....................a musical instrument. .............................. a guitar? Yes,.................... d) na ty obrazku sa chlopaki ktorzy graja w koszykowke John and Tony................ Basketball players. .......................short? No,................................... . .......................tall. e)tu na tym obrazku sa blizinieta Louise and Laura...............sisters. ...........................twins? Yes,............................... . F) na ty obrazku jest facet podnoszacy ciężarki Mark..................a weightlifter. .................weak ? No,..................... . ........................ strong. 4. Fill in the gaps with am/;m/;m not, is/;s/isn't, are/'re/aren't. 1. A:Is she an athlete? B: Yes,she............ .She............a skater. 2. A:............she your sister? B:No,she................. She..............my cousin. 3 A:............ you a photographer? B:No,I............. . I..............a reporter. 4. A:..........you from Greece? G: Yes,we............... .We..........from Athens. 5. A:...............the children happy ? B:No,they.............. . They..............sad. 6. A:................your car new? B:No,it................. . It........old. 5.Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb to be. Marie: Hi are you Carlos ? Carlos: Yes,I....... . What.......your names? Marie:I........Marie and this.........Pierre. Carlos:Nice to meet you. Maria:Nice to meet you,too. Pierre:........you from Spain,Carlos? Carlos: No,I...... . I........from Brazil. Where.......you from ? Pierre:We.......from France. 6.Look at the table. Then, answer the questions. Country Age Jop Jane / Usa / 21 / university student. Pegro/ Spain / 38 nurse Hannah/ Germany / 40 / Firefighter Paul / Romania / 40 / nurse 1. Is Jone twenty-two years old ? No,she isn't. She's twenty-one years old. 2. Is Pedro Spanish ? .................................................... 3 Is Hannah a teacher? ....................................................... 4.Is Paul thirty-eight years old ? ..................................................... 5.Is Jone Romanian ? ....................................................... 6.Are Hannah and Paul forty years old ? ........................................................ 7.Are Pedro and Paul teachers ? ..................................................... 7. Choose the carrect word. 1.A: Who/Whose is the black car ? B:John's 2.A:Where/What is Sparky? B:He's under the bed. 3.A:How old/How tall is William ? B:He;s 1.70 m. 4.A: How much/How many biscuitis are in the box? B: Four. 5.A:How long/How aften is the concert ? B:Three hours. 6. A:How old/How much is Joson ? B:He's thirteen 7.A:Who/Whose is Mr Smith ? B:Our History teacher. 8.A:How far/How long is it to the cinema ? B:About two miles. 9.A:Which/What book is yours? B:The red one. 8.Fill in the gaps with whose,how many,how far, how old,how much, how tall,where or who. Then match the questions (1-8) to the answers (a-h) 1.Whose is this magazine ? 2......................................is it to the post office? 3......................................brothers have you got? 4......................................sugar is there? 5.......................................is that woman? 6......................................are my glasses? 7.......................................is your father? 8......................................is yourlittle sister ? a -....It’s my mother’s b-.....Three. c-.....They’re in your bag d-.....About ten minutes; walk. e-.....One kilo. f-......Mrs Smith g-.....He’s 1.85 metres h-.....She’s four. 9.Complete the questions to which the words in bold are the answers, as in the example. To tego zadania dolaczony jest tekst: This is Jimmy Zane.He is from Manchester,England. He is 22 years old And his birthday is 20th July.He’s a singer In a group.His group’s name is Blue Rock. There are three other members in a group, Johnny,Dave and Ringo.Jimmy’s favourite Music is pop and his favourite singer is Robbie williams. 1.Who is this ? 2....... is he from ? 3.......is he ? 4......... is his birthday? 5..........is his jop? 6.........is his group’s name ? 7..........other members are there in the group? 8.........is his favourite music ? 9..........is his favourite singer? 10. Fill in the gaps with the correct question words. Amy:Hello ? EmilyHi,Amy. It;s Emily. Amy:Emily! How are you ? Emily:I’m fine thanks. Amy:...........is Madrid? Emily:Wonderful! Amy:..............is the weather like ? Emily:It’s hot and sunny. Amy:..........are you now? Emily:I’m in our hotel room. Amy:..............is there with you ? Emily:My parents. Amy:............is Shelly?Is she there,too? Emily:No she’s at the beach.Hey have you got Charlie’s address? Amy:Yes. ...........? Emily:Because Iwant to send him a pastcard. Amy:Sure, let me get it for you. 11. Use the information in the box and the prompts to write questionsand answers, as in the example. Sain George’s Hotel Area/ in central London Rooms/87 rooms Price/ o kase chodz 96.00 per night Distance from city centre: 15 minutes’ walk 1Where/be/Saint George’s Hotel ? Where is Saint George’s Hotel? In central London. 2.How many/rooms/be/there? ............................................... ............................................... 3.How much/be/it/per night? ............................................. ........................................... 4.How far/be/it/from the city centre? ....................................................... ......................................................... 12.Fill in a or an. a blackboard ......watermelon .......horse ......guitar .......tiger .......accordion .......paintbrush .......owl ........egg ........suitcase 13. Wpisz w odpowiednie miejsce Helmet, orange, scarf , apple, hour Ruler, bike, eraser, schoolbag, onion a an

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