I najważniejsze potrzemuje żeby podkreślić fragment w tekście na odpowiedź do odp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Jak nie zrozumiałe pisz w kom:)Zadanie z tekstem jakby było nie wyraźne:1/38 Przeczytaj trzy teksty. Spośród podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl literę A, B, albo C.AHi everybody! Come to the Downtown Club in Sheraton Street on Friday at 7 pm to celebrate the end of lessons and exams! It's a big venue, so everyone from our year is welcome. The event will include music and a buffet. To get there from school, take the first turning on the left after the station.See you there! Peter Gregson (Year 6 Class President)1. The author of the text A requests help to organise an event. B gives a review of a music event. C invites his classmates to a music event.BPiney Summer SchoolAre you approaching your final year of secondary school? Worried that you won't get the results you need to get into university? Then why not spend some time at Piney Summer School! At Piney Summer School students stay on campus for two-week sessions and choose two subjects to study. We have state-of-the-art classroom and accommodation facilities and offer a range of after-school activities including table tennis and hockey. Want to get ahead before the school year starts? Then apply to piney@edu.com today!2. Piney Summer School is for students who A are about to start university. B have failed their university entry exams. C want to study before their last year at school.CLast Day "Time's up, everyone." Most students in the exam hall ignored their teacher's instructions and scribbled some final sentences. "I mean it - drop your pens!" Mr. Roberts said with more authority It was only then that George realised the significance of the moment. As his classmates sighed with relief, he couldn't help but feel a little depressed. He looked around him. Despite the promises everyone had made to keep in touch, he knew this would be last time he saw some of his friends. "Let's go for a nice meal to congratulate ourselves!" Tim said, interrupting his thoughts. "Yes, after six long years, we deserve it!" George replied.3. How did George feel after the exam was over? A relieved B excited C sadPOTRZEBUJĘ TYCH ZADAŃ BARDZO WAŻNE PROSZĘ ​

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