Przeczytaj ponizsze wypowiedzi siedmiu osób (A-G). Nastepnie odpowiedz na pytania podane w tabeli, wpisujac odpowiednie litery w kratki obok kazdego pytania. Wypowiedz jednej osoby podana została dodatkowo i nie pasuje do zadnego pytania. Za kazda poprawna odpowiedz otrzymasz 1 punkt. THE FUTURE OF FARMING A The numbers of people involved in farming will decrease. You see, I think that the profession is under great pressure to change, and that will have an effect on rural communities. B Farm workers’ houses won’t exist any more. They’ll be turned into more modern homes and sold off at a profit. C It seems to me that farmers will have to change what they do at present in a big way. They won’t be able to make a living for themselves and their children just from farming, and some of them will have to find other forms of income. D If you ask me, farmers have always had a difficult job. I mean they have to face bad weather and disease on their farms. I can’t see that changing at all in the future. E I’m not at all keen on this new idea of genetically modified farming. I think it could be very dangerous. But I’m afraid that’s where the future of farming lies. F Years ago, farmers didn’t have the big machines that they have today. They used smaller tools and did a lot of the work by hand. I think farming is much less hard work now, and will be even easier in the future. G I think technology will have a big impact on farming. Technology is always advancing and that could mean the types of farm we have in the future will be very different. 6.1 thinks that farming alone will not be profitable enough to support a family? 6.2 is not in favour of less safe modern methods of farming? 6.3 thinks that there will be fewer farmers in the future? 6.4 believes that farmers have a much better life nowadays? 6.5 says that there won’t be special accommodation for people working on farms? 6.6 says that farming will be no easier than it was before?

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