IV. Przeczytaj poniższe wypowiedzi siedmiu osób (A-G). Następnie odpowiedz na pytania podane w tabeli, wpisując odpowiednie litery obok każdego pytania. Wypowiedź jednej osoby podana została dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnego pytania.Should young criminals be sent to prison?Speaker AThey should be shown round an adult prison to see what might happen to them in the future if they don't stop breaking the law. But if they commit a serious crime, they should go to prison anyway.Speaker BI think they should do community work like working in a park and cleaning streets. Something that benefits other people.Speaker CI don't think prison works for young people. They just seem to learn more about how to commit crimes. There should be much more time spent in school on teaching children why crime is wrong.Speaker DPerhaps home is the best place for some young criminals, where their parents can work with them to help them understand what they've done. But perhaps not all parents could cope with that, so may be some people should be in prison.Speaker EI think they should lose their freedom, even if it's only for a short time. A month or so in prison will show them what life is like when you can't behave just as you want to. Then they won't want to commit more crimes.Speaker FIf possible, they should meet the person they've stolen something from or they've hurt. Then they'll understand how wrong it is to affect the lives of ordinary people similar to themselves.Speaker GThey shouldn't go to prison until they're older. I don't think people are very well treated in prison. If there were special schools where young people could go, someone could teach them about how to be a good citizen.Who thinks that: a) young criminals should come face to face with the victim? b) working to make the local area look better is the right punishment? c) close relatives might be the best people to help? d) giving young criminals separate education is the solution? e) visiting a real prison would prevent them committing more crime? f) lessons on being a good citizen should be taught at school?

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