Wyrażanie przyszłości future simple, present continues i be going to! 1.Mark, can you go down to the grocer's and get me some vegetables? I...(make) a salad. 2.Let's get a movieon, shallwe? I...(see) what is on. 3.It's no use waiting any longer He...(come), anyway. 4.I need to collect Tom tomorrow morning. He ...(leave) the hospital. 5.Look at Brenda. She is so plane. She...faint in a moment. 6.Our boss...(retire) next month. 7.Don't even metion next week to me! I...(have) two meetings on Monday morning. 8.You won't get rid of me so easily. I...(noy/go) until you decide to tell me everything. 9.I wonn't be at home tomorrow. We...(go) to the zoo. 10.You'd better take an anorak. It...(be) much colder in the evening. 11. The menager's so nervous because the French ambasador...(stay) at the hotel tonight. 12.Sally things her nose looks awful and she...(have) plastic surgery. 13.We have to get up early tomorrow. We ...(go) fishing. 14.Look and the baby' face. She ...(cry) in a moment. What shall we do? 15.The festival... (finish) next week and life in the town will return to normal. 16.The entrance exam... (take) place in June. 17.Jane...(have ) a baby soon. 18. The tree is falling. It... (hit) that car. 19.I can't meet you today. I ...(have) lunch witch my boss in an our. 20.Tom...(fly) to New York on Friday. He has already bought his tiket. 21 I ...(be) a doctor. 22.Oh, I just realized that haven't got any money. Well, don't worry I...(lend)you some. 23.I've decided to repaint the room. Oh, have you? What colour... (you/paint) it? 24.I've got a headache. Wait a second and I...(get)an aspirin. 25.Where are you going? Are ou going shopping? Yes,I ...(buy)a new dress. 26.Did you post the letter for me? oh, I'm sorry I complety forgot.I...(do)it now. 27.Has Greorge decided what to do when he leaves school? Yes,everything is planned. He ...(have)a holiday for a few weeks.Then he...(do) a computer programming course. 28.Hallo, can I speak to Jim? Just a moment. I (get)him. 29.Don't worry about the letter you lost. I'm sure you...(find) it. 30.Have you decided where to go for holiday jet? Yes, I ...(go) for Jamaica. 31.Are you free on luntchtime toorrow? No, I... (have)lunch with my husband. 32.Look at the dog.Don't go near it...(bite)you. 33. Are you tired? No, actully I'm bored. I thing I ...(go)for a walk. 34.Call me when you get home. Ok I... (call)you. 35.I...(have) a pizza for dinner. I've arleady order it. 36.It...(probably/rain)tomorrow. 37.I...(be) a teacher when I grow up. 38.I...(promise)I...(wash)your car tommorow. 39.Look at than man.Oh dear! He...(slip)on a banana skin. 40.Jeremy is hard working. I thing he ...(be) a menager one day. 41.The music is to lound. Ok I ...(turn) it down. 42.John and Marry look so happy together. Yes, they...(get) married in June. 43.This dress is very nice. Yes, I thing I...(try) it on. 44.Why are you carrying your books outside?I...(study) in the garden. 45.My homework is very difficult. I ...(help) you when I finish mine.

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