1.Nita dan anak akan berlomba memperebutkan juara dalam final kategori lomba menyanyi lagu nasional mereka berdua memiliki suara dan semangat yang luar biasa keduanya sama-sama mempersiapkan semaksimal mungkin agar mendapatkan juara pertama. berdasarkan ilustrasi tersebut proses nasional yang terjadi adalah proses... A. asosiatif kerja sama antara Nita dan Ana Dalam rangka memeriahkan HUT ke- 77 RI di RW 3 Desa SukamajuB. disosiatif konflik antara Nita dan Ana dalam rangka memperebutkan final lomba menyanyiC. asosiatif akomodasi penyelesaian lomba kategori menyanyi lagu kebangsaan di RT 3 Desa SukamajuD. disosiatif kompetisi antara Nita dengan Ana dalam rangka memperebutkan final lomba menyanyi lagu nasional dalam rangka HUT RI HUT ke 77 RI di RW 3 Desa Sukamaju 2.integrasi sosial adalah proses penyesuaian unsur-unsur yang berbeda dalam masyarakat sehingga menjadi satu kesatuan Salah satu syarat terjadinya integrasi di masyarakat adalah.....A. terbentuknya masyarakat yang homogen B. aturan dan ketentuan yang berbeda-beda di kehidupan antar masyarakat C. nilai dan norma sosial tersebut berlaku lama dan dijalankan secara konsisten D. memiliki pemimpin yang menciptakan Tata aturan dan norma yang disepakati bersama 3.perhatikan data berikut1.penduduk yang heterogen2.ketidakpuasan masyarakat3.orientasi ke masa depan4.sikap masyarakat yang tradisional5.adanya kepentingan kepentingan pribadi yang tertanam kuat6.hambatan yang bersifat ideologisBerdasarkan data tersebut faktor yang menghambat terjadinya perubahan sosial di masyarakat ditunjukkan oleh nomor.....A. 1,2dan3B. 1,4,dan5C. 2,3dan6D. 4,5dan64. salah satu faktor bangsa Indonesia memiliki keragaman suku bangsa adalah...A. memiliki nenek moyang yang bermacam-macam sukunya B. Negara Indonesia adalah negara kepulauan sehingga masyarakatnya mendiami berbagai lokasi yang tersebar C. banyaknya masyarakat dunia menjadi penduduk Indonesia sehingga muncul banyak etnis D. memiliki banyak pemimpin daerah yang mengeluarkan aturan tentang masyarakatnya 5. sebuah lembaga yang mengatur pelaksanaan dan wewenang yang menyangkut kepentingan masyarakat agar tercapai suatu keteraturan dan ketertiban masyarakat adalah. ... A. lembaga agamaB. lembaga politikC. lembaga ekonomiD. lembaga pendidikan6. lembaga pendidikan yang berada di luar pendidikan format berfungsi untuk menambah dan melengkapi pendidikan format seorang anak lembaga tersebut antara lain.... A. lembaga pelatih,sanggar tarik, dan majelis taklimB. Sekolah Dasar, bimbingan belajar, dan Perguruan tinggiC. kelompok belajar, tempat penitipan anak, dan pendidikan keluargaD. sekolah luar biasa, kelompok pengajian, dan pendidikan budi pekerti7. Ketika bangsa Indonesia mendapat perlakuan yang berbeda saat megenyam pendidikan dari pemerintah Belanda pada masa kolonial menyebabkan bangsa Indonesia tidak dapat mengembangkan diri penghambat proses mobilitas sosial masyarakat Indonesia pada waktu itu adalah...... A. PenjajahanB. diskriminasiC. kondisi politikD. kondisi pemerintah8. manusia praaksara hidup secara berkelompok yang dipimpin oleh seorang yang terlihat paling kuat diantara yang lain mereka tinggal di tepi pantai karena melihat banyak ikan yang dapat dikonsumsi kadang kala mereka juga tinggal di wilayah Padang luas saat mereka Terburu hewan Terburu tersebut dilakukan dengan menggunakan peralatan batu sederhana yang belum diasah. teks tersebut menunjukkan kehidupan manusia praaksara pada masa. ..... A. PaleolitikumB. MesolitikumC. neolitikumD. megalitikum9. homo sapiens berarti manusia cerdas dan dianggap sebagai nenek moyang manusia modern berikut Fakta yang mendukung pernyataan tersebut adalahA. homo sapiens sudah mampu membuat peralatan dari batuB. sudah memiliki kemampuan dalam berburu secara berkelompokC. homo sapiens merupakan jenis manusia yang sudah mengenal tulisanD. volume otak homo sapiens lebih besar daripada jenis manusia purba lainnya10. pada era kerajaan Mataram candi Hindu dan Budha dibangun dengan jarak yang dekat dan misalnya Candi Sewu yang bercorak Budha di bangun hanya sekitar 800 M jaraknya dari Candi Prambanan yang bercorak Hindu. simpulan dari teks tersebut adalah. .... A. raja kerajaan Mataram menganut agama Hindu dan BudhaB. masyarakat Mataram menganut dua agama secara bersamaanC. kerajaan Mataram mudah menerima pengaruh agama baruD. terdapat toleransi beragam dalam masyarakat MataramMohon bantuannya kaksoalnya mau dikumpulin​
1.the aim of the writer to write these two labels is to.... A. inform readers how to use the productNB. give detailed nutrition fact about the product C. tell readers that the product is for infants onlyD. announce to the readers that the product is really safe2.Which of the following statements is suitable for the labels?A. Label 2 has more salt and sugar than Label 1B. Label 1 has less fat but more saturates thanC. lebel 2Both labels have the same energy andamount per portion.D. Label 1 has the same amount of salt, sugar, and fat with Label 2.The following texts are for questions number 3 and 4.Text 1I'm sorry that I often played hide and seek at the mall and made you panic, screaming for me. Now, I know that the fear of thinking your child is missing is the scariest thing in the world.Text 2Mom, I'm sorry. I can't help you wash the dishes after dinner tonight. I want to study early, because tomorrow there is a math test.3. To whom were the letters addressed?A. To the teacher.B. To the writers' mother. C. To the writers' siblings.D. To the writers' best friends.4.What made the writers apologize?A. In Text 1, the writer was scared about her childand in Text 2, the writer wants to study early. B. In Text 1, the writer was lost in a mall and Th in Text 2, the writer has no ability to help her mother.C. In Text 1, the writer is missing her child while in Text 2, the writer cannot wash the dishes anymore.D. In Text 1, the writer often made his mother worry, while in Text 2 the writer couldn't help her mother because she wanted to study for a test.The following dialogues are for questions number 5 and 6.dialogue 1Teacher:Everyone, we have a flag ceremony tomorrow. You must arrive at school before 7 o'clock and wear OSIS uniform. Students: Yes, Ma'am.Dialogue 2Mr. Ali: Doni, please tell your friends that there will be a test tomorrow. So, they must bring a pencil and an eraser into the exam room.Doni: Alright, Sir.5. The two dialogues are talking about...A. Obligations the students must do. B. Notices the students must understand.C. Advertisements the students must read. D. Announcements the students must listen.6.What is the difference between dialogue 1 and dialogue 2?A. Students must bring OSIS uniform in dialogue 1 while in dialogue 2, studentsmust join the exam. B. In dialogue 1, students join the flag ceremony after 7, while they have to bring OSIS uniform in dialogue 2. C. Students must come to the flag ceremony in dialogue 1, and in dialogue 2, the students must buy pencils and erasers.D. In dialogue 1, students must come before the ceremony begins and in dialogue 2, students bring writing tools for the examtolong dibantu kak mau dikumpulkan hari ini​
1.the aim of the writer to write these two labels is to.... A. inform readers how to use the productNB. give detailed nutrition fact about the product C. tell readers that the product is for infants onlyD. announce to the readers that the product is really safe2.Which of the following statements is suitable for the labels?A. Label 2 has more salt and sugar than Label 1B. Label 1 has less fat but more saturates thanC. lebel 2Both labels have the same energy andamount per portion.D. Label 1 has the same amount of salt, sugar, and fat with Label 2.The following texts are for questions number 3 and 4.Text 1I'm sorry that I often played hide and seek at the mall and made you panic, screaming for me. Now, I know that the fear of thinking your child is missing is the scariest thing in the world.Text 2Mom, I'm sorry. I can't help you wash the dishes after dinner tonight. I want to study early, because tomorrow there is a math test.3. To whom were the letters addressed?A. To the teacher.B. To the writers' mother. C. To the writers' siblings.D. To the writers' best friends.4.What made the writers apologize?A. In Text 1, the writer was scared about her childand in Text 2, the writer wants to study early. B. In Text 1, the writer was lost in a mall and Th in Text 2, the writer has no ability to help her mother.C. In Text 1, the writer is missing her child while in Text 2, the writer cannot wash the dishes anymore.D. In Text 1, the writer often made his mother worry, while in Text 2 the writer couldn't help her mother because she wanted to study for a test.The following dialogues are for questions number 5 and 6.dialogue 1Teacher:Everyone, we have a flag ceremony tomorrow. You must arrive at school before 7 o'clock and wear OSIS uniform. Students: Yes, Ma'am.Dialogue 2Mr. Ali: Doni, please tell your friends that there will be a test tomorrow. So, they must bring a pencil and an eraser into the exam room.Doni: Alright, Sir.5. The two dialogues are talking about...A. Obligations the students must do. B. Notices the students must understand.C. Advertisements the students must read. D. Announcements the students must listen.6.What is the difference between dialogue 1 and dialogue 2?A. Students must bring OSIS uniform in dialogue 1 while in dialogue 2, studentsmust join the exam. B. In dialogue 1, students join the flag ceremony after 7, while they have to bring OSIS uniform in dialogue 2. C. Students must come to the flag ceremony in dialogue 1, and in dialogue 2, the students must buy pencils and erasers.D. In dialogue 1, students must come before the ceremony begins and in dialogue 2, students bring writing tools for the examtolong dibantu kak mau dikumpulkan hari ini juga plis kak secepatnya​ sebelum jam 11.30​
The following text is for questions number 1 to 3.My family and I visited the zoo yesterday to seethe elephant and other animals. When we arrived atthe zoo, we proceeded to the store to purchase foodfor the animals.We went to the nocturnal house after acquiring the food and witnessed birds and reptiles that only come out at night.We went for an elephant ride before lunch. Riding it was a thrilling experience. Dad almost fell from the elephant's back because he let go of the rope. We fed some birds at the park during lunch. We witnessed the animals being fed in the afternoon.When we returned home, we were tired but happy because we had so much fun.1.HOTS) What would happen if the writer's dad kept hold the rope?A. He would ride a thrilling experience.B. He would let go of the rope from his hands. C. He would still sit tight on the elephant back.D. He would fall off from the elephant's back.2. "We went to the nocturnal house after acquiring the food."The underlined word describes animals..A. that sleep at the day and nightB. that very active during the dayC. that look for food both in the night and dayD. that are active at night rather than during the day3.What did the writer do before going to the nocturnal house?A. Rode on an elephant's back.B. Bought food for the animals. C. Visited the zoo together with his family.D. Acquired the food for himself and his family. Let It GoIdina Menzel Song writer: Kristen Anderson-Lopez / Robert LopezThe snow glows white on the mountain tonightNot a footprint to be seen A kingdom of isolationAnd it looks like I'm the queenThe wind is howling like this swirling storm insideCouldn't keep it in, heaven knows I've tried Don't let them in, don't let them seeBe the good girl you always have to be Conceal, don't feel, don't let them knowWell, now they knowLet it go, let it goCan't hold it back anymoreLet it go, let it goTurn away and slam the doorI don't care what they're going to sayLet the storm rage onThe cold never bothered me anyway It's funny how some distance makes everything seemsmall And the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at allIt's time to see what I can doTo test the limits and break throughNo right, no wrong, no rules for meI'm free4. HOTS) The moral message of the song is... A. With love, you can save people or even destroy them.B. Keep chasing your dreams until you can make them come true.C. Forget your bad experience then you can still walk forward without a burden.D. Never give up trying to reach your dream even though other people don't believe you.Mohon di bantu kak mau dikumpulkan hari ini jugapliss kak mohon dibantu secepatnya​
Khaila : Hi Nada, I'm sorry I couldn't attend your birthday celebration yesterday.Nada: It's okay Khaila. Hilda said that you were sick.Khaila : That's right. I had a fever after I was caught in the rain. But now it's getting better althoughnot as energetic as usual. Nada: You should stay at home to rest so you fully recover.Khaila :....1. What will Khaila probably answer?A. Thank you for the advice, Nada.B. Thanks a bunch for coming. C. Thanks a lot for being a good friend.D. Thanks, I am better now, let's make a party again.The following text is for questions number 2 and 3.On the Thursday after Eid prayer, at 08.30 in the morning, my family and I took a vacation to Parangtritis Beach. We prepared food and drinks to enjoy there. After everything was ready, we headed there.Arriving at the beach, we immediately looked for a shady place. The weather was quite hot so we had to find a comfortable place to rest. After finding a suitable place, my cousin and I immediately rushed to the beach to swim and enjoy the waves.While I was enjoying the beach atmosphere, suddenly I heard someone's voice asking for help. It was my cousin's voice. How frightened I was to see him being carried away by the waves. Fortunately he was helped by a man close to him. I saw my cousin's face was so pale, he was so afraid.After that incident, my parents asked us to stop swimming and cleaned our bodies. Of course we followed their request.This holiday has given me special memories. I won't have the misfortune like my cousin has had.2. The writer felt terrified when he was swimming at the beach because...A. his parents asked him to stop swimmingB. he heard one of his siblings asked for help C. he saw his cousin was carried away by the wavesD. he was finding a suitable place for enjoying the beach3. What would happen if no one helped his cousin?A. His cousin would save himself. B. The writer would not feel afraid.C. The writer would swim to save himself. D. His cousin would be carried far away by the wavesThe following dialogue is for question number 4.Adi: We are going to the beach the day after:tomorrow, right?Yoga: Yes. I have prepared some food, clothes, andmoney. How about you? Adi It's Friday. I still have time to prepare. Whattime will we go there?Yoga: 5 a.m. We will depart from Badu's house. He said his brother will drive us there.Adi: Alright. I will be ready for that day.Yoga: Okay. See you tomorrow.4. When will both Adi and Yoga go on a vacationA. On Sunday.B. On Monday. C. On Tuesday.D. On Saturday.5. What kind of product is informed in the labels? A. FoodB. Food seasoning.C. Soft drink.D. Medicine.tolong dijawab secepatnya ya kak mau dikumpulkan hari ini juga​

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