PRZECZYTAJ PONIŻSZY TEKST dopasuj podtytuły A-E do akapitów 1-4. jeden podtytuł nie pasuje do żadnego akapitu, następnie odpowiedz na pytanie dotyczące treści ulotki. zaznacz jedną z trzech możliwych odpowiedzi. NAPISZE NAJPIERW TE PODTYTUŁY KTÓRE TRZEBA DOPASOWAĆ DO AKAPITÓW A Shop 'green' B Eat 'green' C Don't drive D Share a car E Don't fly if you don't have to TERAZ NAPISZĘ TEKST What can you do to help save planet? Read on and find out how easy it is. TERAZ AKAPITY: 1 Europe has superb, fast trains and relaxing ferries.It also has crowded airports, security delays and huge queues.Planes pollute the air 2 You and yours neighbour leave at the same time,driwe to the same place, sit in the same traffic jams and spend the same amout on petrol. Why not go together? It's cheaper, the road has one less car on it and you have someone to talk to 3 How do you choose which products to buy? By quality? Why not by environmental fiendliness? Look for the ECO sing whenever you buy soaps, washing powders and other products. 4 Does the chicken taste strange? Do the vegetables look beautiful but have no flavour? Modern scientific 'progress' can give us perfect looking food but it can't make it taste like it should. Try naturally grown food and taste the difference. TERAZ 3 MOZLIWE ODPOWIEDZI DO TEKSTU. A Tell people to do something for the environment B Tell people that they should give money for ecology C List the biggest dangers to the environmet JEŚLI CZEGOŚ NIE WIADOMO PROSZĘ PISAĆ NA PRIV A NIE W ODPOWIEDZI NA ZADANIE

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