tollong yaa terjemah in ini ke bahasa indonesia plissAll for a piece or brendOne day a crow was flying through The woods, fluttering from one tree branch to another.She had very sharp eyes and saw a piece of bread lying on the ground below her.In a jiffy she flew down, snatched the piace of bread off the ground, flew to a branch on a nearby tree, and sat there .Just then a fox came running through the woods. He saw the crow sitting on the branch, and noticed that she had something in her mouth.He went right below the branch and looked closely. He saw that it was a piace of bread. Now the fox hadn’t eaten a nice piace of bread in a very long time, and so his mouth started watering looking at it.The cunning fox decided that he would trick the crow out of her piace of bread. He had an idea, and a wicked smirk spread across his face.He went and sat below the tree branch the cow was perched on. “oh! Miss crow, you are indeed the most beautiful creature I have ever seen,” crooned the fox.The crow was rather worried that the fox might jump up at her, so she flew to a higher branch. She had heard that the fox was a cunning, wily fellow. She did not want to take any chances with him.“you have the most beautiful feathers that i have ever seen!” the fox said.“oh, they are so black and shiny so glossy, so beautiful!” he crooned.The crow still did not say anything. She did not even move. So the fox continued,” I have heard that you have the most beautiful voice among all the creatures of the wood. It is even more melodious than that of the nightingale. Won’t you sing me a song” Now this compliment was too great for even the crow to take. She was so flattered that she opened her beak to start singing. But as soon as she did this, the piace of bread fell to the ground.“oh you foolish crow, see how I tricked you!” said the fox and snatched up the piace of bread and ran away as fast as he could.The crow was very upset that she had been tricked by the fox.“never again will I trust a flatterer!” she said sandly.

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