ini teks nya:Let me tell you about lesser flamingos. This flamingo is an iconic bird of the African Rift Valley. Hundreds of thousands flocks strong turn whole landscapes pink at the steaming fringes of inhospitable alkaline lakes. In East Africa there are 3-4 million lesser flamingos; smaller populations live in southern Africa, including the Etosha Pan, and in India.You know, these birds have angled bills and extremely long legs. The brilliant pink colors of the adult plumage are derived from the diet of algae. They grow up to 2 kg weigth and 80-90 cm tall. Short daily flights take flamingos to fresh water for drinking, but longer nocturnal journeys between strings of alkaline lakes may lead them to fly hundreds of miles.For your information, these monogamous birds breed in huge colonies on remote, caustic alkaline mudflats, exposed to searing heat, which are almost impossible for mammalian predators to reach. Their nests are small cones of mud and soda crystals, holding a single egg that hatches after 28 days. When two weeks old, chicks form herds of hundreds of thousands, attended by just one or two adults, leaving the parents free to find food. Chicks form lines up to 20 miles (30 km) long, and the nurseries are driven up to 30 miles (50 km) across burning mud to reach shallow freshwater lagoons.Natural mortality of full-grown birds, mainly from eagles and marabou storks, is low, but disturbance caused by tourism, including low-flying aircraft, may be more damaging, and there are increasing threats from pollution and industrial development.That's all about lesser flamingos.ini pertanyaannya:1. What is the text about? 2. What is the purpose of the text?3. Where do the animals live?4. What do the adult animals look like?5. What are their diets?6. Why do the animals breed in huge colonies in an inhospitable area?7. What do their nests look like?8. How do chicks find water?9. What is the main cause of the animal mortality? 10. What should people do to preserve the animals?​

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