EXERCISES OF REPORTED SPEECH CHANGE THESE SENTENCES INTO REPORTED SPEECH “I’m going out now, but I’ll be in by nine”, he said. He said that he was going out then, but he would be in by nine. “I can’t live on my basic salary”, said Peter. “I’ll have to offer to do overtime.” Peter said that he couldn’t live on his basic salary and he would have to offer to do overtime. “We are waiting for the school bus”, said the children. “It is late again.” The children said that they were waiting for the school bus and it was late again. “The ice will soon be hard enough to skate on”, said Tom. “I’ll look for my skates when I get home”, Ann said. Tom said that the ice would soon be hard enough to skate on. “Don’t lend Harry any money”, said Lucy. “He never pays his debts.” “Get into the right lane”, said the driving instructor. “Who has been using my typewriter?” he asked. “Would you like to come with us?” they asked The following sentences are direct speech: Now choose one of these to complete each sentence below. Use the reported speech. Sarah was driving too fast, so I asked her to slow down I didn’t want to delay Ann, so I said….. John was in love with Mary, so he …. Sue was very pessimistic about the situation. I said…. Complete the sentences with SAY or TELL. Ann said goodbye to me and left. Tell us about your holidays. Did you have a nice time? Jack told me that he was fed up with his job. Don’t tell anybody what I say. It’s a secret just between us. George couldn’t help me. He told me to ask Kate. George couldn’t help me. He said to ask Kate. I wonder where Sue is. She told me she would be here at 8 o’clock. The doctor told me that I should rest for at least a week.
EXERCISE 3. Present perfect vs. simple past. (Charts 2-9 and 3-1) Directions: Use the simple past or the present perfect. In some sentences, either tense is possible but the meaning is different. 1. I (attend, not) ho\vehJt di-tehAeA any parties since I came here. 2. (go) to a party at Sally's apartment last Saturday night. 3. Bill (arrive) here three days ago. 4. Bill (be) here since the 22nd. 5. Try not to be absent from class again for the rest of the term. You (miss, already) too many classes. You (miss) two classes just last week. 6. So far this week, I (have) two tests and a quiz. 36 CHAPTER 3 7. Alex is an artist. He (draw) many beautiful pictures in his lifetime. Last week he (draw) a beautiful mountain scene. 8. Jack really needs to get in touch with you. Since this morning, he (call) here four times trying to reach you. He (call) at 9:10, 10:25, 12:15, and 1:45. 9. Janet (wear) her new blue dress only once since she bought it. She (wear) it to her brother's wedding last month. 10. The night has ended, and it's daylight now. The sun (rise) It (rise) at 6:08. 1 1. Last January, I (see) snow for the first time in my life. 12. Fatima (see, never) snow in her entire lifetime. 13. I (know) Greg Adams for ten years. 14. A: Is Ahmed here yet? B: Yes. He (arrive, just*) 15. A: I (be, not) able to reach Mr. Chang yet. So far he (respond, not) to any of my attempts to reach him. B: Oh? A: I (start) trying to reach him three days ago. Since then, 1 flax) him twice. I (phone) him four times. And I (send) at least six e-mails. B: I guess modern communications don't mean much if there's no one at the other end.
The meaning of the proverb "Blood is ticker than water" is ______ 1 point Being independent means you're in charge, Family relationship is stronger than other relationships. You can't form an opinion about someone. Deal with a situation when it happens. Don't get upset over small matters. The meaning of the proverb "Strike when the iron is hot" is ____________ 1 point Expenditure is way bigger than the income. What's done is done. Make use of an opportunity immediately. A secret has been revealed. We shouldn't trust every thing that we hear. The meaning of the proverb "Where one door shuts, another opens" is __________ 1 point Reaching goals requires sacrifice. Strong people don't give up when they come across challenges. When you lose an opportunity to do a thing, another opportunity appars. The experience of loving someone is more valuable than being lonely. A third person is not welcome when two eople want to be alone with each other. The meaning of the proverb "Two heads are better than one" is ____________ 1 point To warn someone to be careful how much money they spend, because there is only a limited amount. When two people cooperate with each other, they come up with better ideas. A group offers more protection than when you are on your own. Blame someone or make them responsible for a problem you should deal with One fact does not prove something, as it may be an exception to the rule. "Get out of your comfort zone to grow and fulfill your potential" is the meaning of the proverb _________ 1 point "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." "Be slow in choosing, but slower in changing." "All that glitters is not gold." "A spark can start a fire that burns the entire prairie." "A ship in the harbor is safe, but that is not what a ship is for." "There is no point in being upset and mad over something that happened" is the meaning of the proverb __________ 1 point "Don't cry over spilt milk." "Don’t have too many irons in the fire." "Don't make a mountain out of an anthill." "Don’t cross a bridge until you come to it." "Don’t cast pearls before swine." "If people work together they can make something easier to do than when doing it alone" is the meaning of proverb __________ 1 point "Slippery ground does not recognize a king." "Many hands make light work." "One shouldn’t miss forest for the trees." "When the going gets tough, the tough get going." "One swallow does not make a summer." "Don't put all of your hopes into one goal" is the meaning of the proverb __________ 1 point "Don't make a mountain out of an anthill." "It's no use crying over spilt milk." "Watch the doughnut and not the hole." "Don't put all of your eggs in one basket." "Don't count your chicken before they hatch." "What goes around, comes around" is the meaning of the proverb _____________ 1 point "You can run but you cannot hide." "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." "Those who dig a hole for others will fall in it." "You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink." "Two wrongs don't make a right." The proverb "Dig the well before you are thirsty" has the same meaning with __________ 1 point "Prepare the umbrella before it rains." "Always put your best foot forward." "As you sow, so you shall reap." "A picture is worth a thousand words." "Adversity and loss make a man wise." The proverb "When you want to make an omelet, you need to break a few eggs" has similar meaning with _______________ 1 point "Still water runs deep." "No gain without pain." "Watch the doughnut and not the hole." "The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree." "Out of sight, out of mind." The value of the proverb "Early bird catches the worm" is ____________ 1 point success friendship attitude gratefulness loyalty The value of the proverb "No man can serve two masters" is _______ 1 point success loyalty friendship gratefulness wealth
5. Berikut ini yang merupakan pembuka surat niaga berupa surat permintaan penawaran adalah… A. Memenuhi surat permintaan perusahaan Anda nomor 99/ SPW/I/2021 pada tanggal 25 Januari 2021, Kami dari PT. Komputer terbaru mengajukan penawaran penyediaan alat komputer dan Laptop dengan perincian sebagai berikut: B. Berdasarkan informasi yang kami peroleh bahwa PT Pelangi menyediakan berbagai macam cat untuk luar ruangan beserta bahan pendukungnya. Melalui surat ini, kami CV Maju Cemerlang yang bergerak di bidang produsen pagar aluminium serta besi adalah pemakai tetap produk cat luar ruangan dengan pemakaian rata-rata 500 liter cat sebulan. Oleh karena itu, dengan surat ini kami mengajukan permohonan penawaran produk dari PT Pelangi. C. Dengan surat ini, kami ingin memberitahukan kepada Saudara bahwa menurut pembukuan kami tertanggal 20 November 2020, dengan barang 20 buah setrika listrik yang dikirim atas nama CV. Cahaya Terang dengan alamat Jl. Bintang No. 20 Jakarta, Saudara masih memiliki kewajiban yang belum dibayarkan sebesar Rp.35.000.00,00 D. Pada tanggal 27 Januari 2021 pihak ke I. Telah menjual, lepas/mutlak sebidang tanah darat seluas 358 M2, berikut sebuah bangunan yang terletak diatas tanah tersebut kepada pihak ke II dengan harga tunai Rp. 400.000.000,- (empat ratus juta rupiah). Pembayaran dilakukan dihadapan saksi-saksi dengan tunai. E. Demi terciptanya suasana yang nyaman serta tahan terhadap situasi ekstrim dan cuaca yang tidak menentu kami telah berupaya memproduksi barang-barang rumah tangga. Untuk itu, kami telah mengirimkan barang-barang rumah tangga lengkap dengan rincian harga dan kualitasnya.
1. Perhatikan gambar berikut ini! Berdasarkan gambar dibawah yang menunjukan ragam hias geometris adalah 2.Berikut adalah gambar karya seni yang menerapkan ragam hias flora. Ragam hias dibawah diterapkan dengan tehnik 3. Perhatikan gambar-gambar poster berikut ini. Yang termasuk poster Pendidikan adalah gambar nomer 4.Penerapan ragam hias pada tektil/kain ditunjukan pada gambar 5. Berikut adalah syarat-syarat menggambar ilustrasi, a)Menentukan topik dan tujuan. b)Membuat tulisan yang dapat dibaca dari jarak minimal 2 meter. c)Membuat kalimat singkat dan mudah diingat. d)Memuat pesan dari Lembaga tertentu. e)Menggunakan gambar. Dari syarat diatas yang merupakan syarat-syarat pembuatan komik adalah 6.Dalam rangka Upacara Bendera dipilihlah tim untuk mengisi formasi Aubade. Pada saat latihan vokal terjadi perdebatan mengenai konsep yang akan dipilih mengingat penyelenggaraan upacara dilakukan dilapangan dengan fasilitas soundsystem kurang memadai, Perlu solusi dalam pembagian suara, mana konsep yang terbaik agar penampilan bisa maksimal. Menurut kamu, mana solusi yang terbaik dipilih : 7. Perhatikan notasi pada gambar di bawah ini : 8. Perhatikan gambar dibawah ini 9. Penyebabkan munculnya gaya yang berbeda-beda pada lagu daerah adalah…1.Perbedaan-perbedaan jumlah alat musik dari sebuah wilayah dengan wilayah lainnya sepanjang waktu. 2.Ciri khas atau karakteristik musikal yang dihasilkan dari beberapa kondisi. 3.Bentuk karya musikal. 4.Penyanyi lagu-lagu daerah sering dibawakan oleh seorang penyanyi terkenal. Mana diantara poin-poin tersebut yang benar ? 10. Sebuah Paduan Suara mengadakan Audisi namun tidak dijumpai satu pun peserta laki-laki hingga akhir audisi. Akhirnya didapat Tim yang semuanya terdiri dari wanita. Bagaimana penyusunan suara yang tepat? 11. Tari merupakan cara seseorang (seniman) untuk mengungkapan ekspresi jiwa nya. elemen gerak yang terdapat dalam tari terdiri dari 12. Level nerupakan satu kesatuan utuh sehingga memberi kesan dinamis pada tari. penggunaan level pada gerak berhubungan erat dengan ruang , waktu dan tenaga. ada berapa macamkah level dalam tari 13. Unsur penunjang/pendukung dalam tari disebut juga dengan properti, pilihan jawaban di bawah ini manakah benda atau alat yang biasanya digunakan sebagai properti tari 14. Pola lantai adalah garis-garis yang dibuat/dilalui oleh penari. pada tari tradisional pola lantai yang lebih dominan digunakan adalah 15. Tata rias dan busana tari tradisional biasanya masih berpijak pada tata rias dan busana tradisionall. Hall ini untuk menunjukan identitas daerah tersebut serta untuk mengetahui dari mana tarian itu berasal. Manakah dari jawaban yang paling tepat di bawah ini tentang fungsi dari busana tari 16. dari daftar pewarna dibawah yang dapat digunakan di atas media kanvas adalah 17. berikut adalah empat contoh lukisan yang termasuk lukisan beraliran Ekspresionisme adalah 18. Berikut ini yang bukan pelukis dengan aliran impresionisme, ialah 19. Perhatikan lukisan di bawah ini ! Lukisan itu bertema 20. berikut adalah gambar patung. Gambar karya patung dibawah memilki fungsi sebagai patung monumen adalah 21. yang termasuk karya patung berfungsi religius adalah

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