QUICK TEST 7A I. Usłyszysz krótkie nagranie. Na podstawie zawartych w nim informacji zdecyduj, czy podane poniżej zdania są prawdziwe (True) czy fałszywe (False). Postaw znak X w odpowiedniej kolumnie tabeli. (4 pkt) True False 1. The price of trousers was not high. 2. She bought the dress only because of its very good quality. 3. The dress was not as cheap as the trousers. 4. The florist said tulips would not last as long as carnations. II. Wpisz właściwe słowo. (4 pkt) 1. There are _ _ d _ _ t _ _ n _ in price, so even designer clothes are much cheaper now. 2. His wife loves jewellery, so he’s going to buy a new _ e _ k _ _ c _ for her birthday. 3. She went to the stationer’s to buy an _ n _ _ _ _ p _ for the letter she wanted to send. 4. At the confectioner’s near my house I bought some _ o _ l _ p _ _ _ for my children. III. Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań w nawiasach. (4 pkt) 1. He (właśnie zapłacił) .......................................................................................... for the products. 2. Mike (mierzy) ................................................................ a checked shirt in the fitting-room now. 3. If (na jej miejscu) .......................................................................... , I would ask for a bigger size. 4. She will return this dress (jeżeli znajdzie) ................................................................... the receipt. IV. Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Wpisz w luki (1–4) właściwe wyrazy z ramki w odpowiedniej formie. Jeden wyraz został podany dodatkowo. (4 pkt) The 1. __________ idea is to do the shopping in hypermarkets. 2. __________ large shops are usually located on the outskirts of cities. All products sold in such stores are usually 3. __________ than in small shops, so you can save some money. If customers are dissatisfied with the products, they can always return 4. __________. Shopping in hypermarkets is highly recommended. cheap good they this small

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