Daję najlepszą za wszystkie odpowiedzi poprawne!!!Reading1 Read the text.What’s on TV?Are you interested in fashion or sport? Well,Fashion Today is a new TV programme on Channel8 and the first show is tonight at 6.30 p.m. On theprogramme Jane Sinden talks to lots of differentpeople about clothes. She interviews people likeyou and me and she also talks to famous people.Tonight she talks to a very famous singer. Thissinger is married to a footballer and she has threebeautiful children. She always wears amazingclothes. Do you know who she is? She tells Janeabout her favourite clothes for women, for menand for children! Also on the programme Jane goesto a new clothes shop in London and a famousdesigner talks about fashion from the 1960s totoday. It’s an excellent programme.There’s also something on TV tonight for peoplewho love sports. There’s a new programme aboutdifferent sports and where you can watch them.It’s called Watching Sport. Where can you watchrollerblading or gymnastics competitions? Whenare the national ice-skating competitions? Don’tgo out tonight! Stay in and watch Fashion Today andWatching Sport. They’re amazing!2 Are the sentences true or false?1 There are two new programmes on TV tonight.____2 On the fashion programme there is aninterview with a famous footballer. ____3 On the fashion programme we can learn abouta place where we can buy clothes. ____4 The sports programme tells us where we canlearn new sports. ____5 We can watch football matches on the sportsprogramme. ____Mark /10Vocabulary3 Complete the sentences with the correct words inthe box.athletics chess jogging fashionphotography1 My brother and I often play _______ in theevenings.2 My sister goes _______ every morning beforebreakfast.3 In the summer we do _______ but I haterunning!4 I’m interested in _______ and I always look atthe new clothes in magazines.5 I have a fantastic new camera and I learn touse it at the _______ club on Wednesdays.Mark /54 Complete the sentences with the correctanswers.1 Kirsty doesn’t like her _______. She thinks it’svery long!A back B nose C chest2 He swims a lot and he has very big _______.A eyes B shoulders C feet3 I don’t eat beef burgers. They give me a bad_______.A stomach B neck C head4 I work on my computer all day. My _______ arevery tired!A toes B knees C fingers5 Use your _______! It’s your brother, not Jack!A ears B mouth C eyesMark /5Grammar5 Make questions for these answers, using thewords in brackets.1 We usually have toast for breakfast. (what)2 I finish school at 3.30 p.m. (when)_________________________________3 My dad calls me every Friday. (how often)_________________________________4 She goes to college by car. (how)_________________________________5 I usually go shopping with Kathy. (who)_________________________________6 We live near the town centre. (where)_________________________________Mark /66 Put the words into the correct order to make asentence.1 in always Sundays on dad garden the is my._________________________________2 nights early go bed Friday never on to I._________________________________3 am 10.30 p.m. in hardly I before bed ever._________________________________4 sometimes he school is for late._________________________________5 the often together club dance we to go._________________________________Mark /57 Complete the sentences with the correct objectpronouns.1 Jan and Brian are really good tennis players. Iplay with _______ on Saturdays.2 Who’s that girl? I don’t know _______.3 Petra is good at maths. I’m not! She oftenhelps _______ in class.4 That’s a good magazine. I buy _______ everyweek.5 My boyfriend’s called Tim. I like _______ a lot.8 Complete the sentences with the correctimperative form of the verbs in the box.wait tell come phone1 _______ me the answer! I think I know it.2 I want to go to bed early tonight so _______me after 10.00 p.m.3 _______ to my party on Saturday. It’s for mybirthday.4 _______ for us after school. Our class finishesat 3.30 p.m.Mark /4Listening9 ≤1.02 Listen to the people talking abouttheir hobbies. Complete the sentences with thecorrect names in the box.Steve Jake Maria Julie Chris1 _______ doesn’t spend money on his/herhobby.2 _______ likes competitions.3 _______ learns about his/her hobby ontelevision.4 _______ reads about his/her hobby.5 _______ meets other people once a week whohave the same hobby.Writing1 0 Imagine there is an English club at your school.Write an announcement for the club. Include thefollowing information:• when it meets• where it meets• what it does• who to phone• phone number• website
Grammar1 Complete the sentences with the correct presentsimple affirmative form of the verbs in the box.love get up go study drive watchlisten1 My friends _______ to school by bus.2 My dad _______ football on television everySaturday.3 My parents _______ at 7.30 a.m.4 My mum _______ The Simpsons!5 I _______ to music after school every day.6 Jenny _______ medicine at university.7 My brother _______ a big car.2 Complete the sentences with the correct presentsimple affirmative or negative form of the verbsin brackets.1 I like football but I _______ (like) basketball.2 On Saturday I _______ (get up) early. I stay inbed!3 I don’t go to school by bus. I _______ (walk).4 My brother _______ (listen) to rock music. Hehates it.5 My sister _______ (like) sport. She thinks it’sboring.6 My classmates _______ (work) hard. Theteacher is very good.7 My cousin lives in France and he _______(speak) French.3 Complete the sentences with the correct verbs inthe present simple.I 1g______ u______ every morning at 7.00 a.m.After breakfast I 2g______ to school. My mum3d______ me in the car. My brother, Tim, 4d______go to school. He’s a baby. My mum 5s______ athome with Tim. She 6d______ g______ to work.Vocabulary4 Complete the sentences with the correctanswers.1 I have two _______, football and sailing.A hobbys B hobbies C hobby’s2 My _______ works in London. He’s very rich!A aunt B grandmother C uncle3 I go _______ every weekend.A football B school C shopping4 My friend’s _______ is two years old.A daughter B wife C father5 This is my _______ bike.A sisters B sister’s C sisters’5 Complete the sentences with the correct wordsin the box.cook go clean do take1 We _______ to the supermarket on Fridays.2 My parents _______ us to school afterbreakfast.3 My mum doesn’t _______ dinner at theweekend. My dad does.4 I _______ the washing on Sunday morning.5 My brother doesn’t _______ his room.Reading7 Read the text.Best friendsBeth and Gemma are cousins and they’re thesame age. They are also best friends. They livein the same town and they are in the same classat school. But the girls are very, very different!Beth loves sports and she swims every day. Shegets up at 5.00 a.m. and goes swimming beforeschool. Then, after school she goes to the gymand swims again! At the weekend she goes todifferent towns with her swimming team forcompetitions. On Sundays she stays at homeand does her homework.Gemma hates sports! She stays in bed everymorning until 8.30 a.m. and at the weekend shestays in bed until 12.00! Gemma’s hobbies areshopping and parties! She goes shopping intown every Saturday afternoon with her friendsand goes to a party on Friday nights. She goesto bed very late after the party! On Sundays shevisits her brother and his wife. They have a babyand Gemma likes to play with her. SometimesGemma doesn’t do her homework and Bethhelps her.‘We’re very different and I don’t see Gemmaoften out of school, but we’re still best friends!We text and phone a lot,’ says Beth.So, there is one thing they BOTH like to do. Talk!8 Are the sentences true or false?1 Beth and Gemma have the same grandmother.____2 Beth goes swimming before and after school.____3 Gemma gets up early on Saturdays. ____4 Beth goes shopping with Gemma at theweekend. ____5 Gemma has a young niece. ____Writing9 Imagine you have moved with your family to adifferent town. Write a short letter to a friend atyour old school. Use the writing guide to helpyou.Paragraph 1: Ask how your friend is. Say whereyou are.Paragraph 2: Write something about your newtown or city.Paragraph 3: Say something about your daysand your weekends.Bardzo proszę o odpowiedź. :)

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