Buatlah komenter positif dan negatif dalam bentuk paragrafhow people appreciate something would not be the same between one area and another area. Residents in the village of Tegal Smbi, District Annual, Jepara, Central Java, vent excited with fire. Hot fire and often feared would be a source of joy, excitement, even menungdang thousands of tourists anyway. every year, in Rejeh (Jumadilakir) on Tuesday night Pon, a resident of Tegal Sambi celebrate the Earth and War Alms Torches. The event's core grateful for their generosity in this universe is celebrated with about 50 men fight with each other wears hitting flaming torches. Confidence in the torch that can bring health is used as the basis for the implementation of the ceremonial torch War torch used is coconut leaf rolls and dried banana leaves are rolled up to a diameter of about 20 centimeters and a length of 3 meters, and burned edges. Fire lit torch big enough and age is also a few minutes, the fighters hit each other with the torch and the torch flame in clear terebar everywhere, even into the audience also during the implementation of the Torch War that only lasted about an hour, although there is fire everywhere, the atmosphere was hot and pungent smell of smoke, the atmosphere there is really cheerful and full of laughter. Hundreds of photographers from various places in Indonesia meet all strategic places to photograph. Local residents were photographing with a mobile phone camera can be seen everywhere if there is an injury to ignite? do not worry. There already exist masterfully prepared with a special potion. Once swab, contact the fire scars will heal in a few minutes later. Believe it or not, but that's the reality in Tegal Sambi Torch War
Buatlah komenter positif dan negatif (masing2 dalam bentuk paragraf) dan buatlah pendapat anda. bagaimana cara orang mensyukuri sesuatu tentu tidak akan sama antara satu daerah dan daerah lain. Penduduk di Desa Tegal Smbi, Kecamatan Tahunan, Kabupaten Jepara, Jawa Tengah, melampiaskan rasa gembiranya dengan api. Api yang panas dan sering ditakuti orang justru menjadi sumber kegembiraan, kemeriahan, bahkan bisa menungdang ribuan turis pula. setiap tahun, pada bulan Rejeh (Jumadilakir) pada malam Selasa Pon, penduduk Tegal Sambi merayakan Sedekah Bumi dan Perang Obor. Acara yang inti mensyukuri kemurahan alam semesta pada mereka ini dirayakan dengan pertarungan sekitar 50 pria dengan saling memukul memakai obor yang menyala. Kepercayaan terhadap api obor yang mampu mendatangkan kesehatan digunakan sebagai dasar pelaksanaan upacara Perang Obor obor yang dipakai adalah gulungan daun kelapa dan pelepah pisang kering yang digulung sampai berdiameter sekitar 20 sentimeter dan panjangnya 3 meter, lalu dibakar ujungnya. Api yang menyala cukup besar dan umur obor ini pun beberapa menit saja, Para petarung saling memukul dengan obor itu dan api yang ada di obor jelas terebar kemana-mana, bahkan ke arah penonton juga selama pelaksanaan Perang Obor yang hanya berlangsung sekitar satu jam, walau api ada di mana-mana, suasana terasa panas dan bau asap menyengat, suasana yang ada sungguh ceria dan penuh tawa. Ratusan fotografer dari berbagai tempat di Indonesia memenuhi segenap tempat yang startegis untuk memotret. Penduduk lokal yang memotret dengan kamera telepon seluler pun bisa dilihat di mana-mana kalau ada yang cedera kena api ? jangan khawatir. Di sana sudah ada ahlinya yang siap dengan ramuan khusus. Sekali usap, bekas luka kena api akan sembuh dalam beberapa menit kemudian. Boleh percaya atau tidak, tetapi itulah kenyataan di Perang Obor Tegal Sambi
Buatlah komenter positif dan negatif (masing2 dalam bentuk paragraf) dan buatlah pendapat anda. how people appreciate something would not be the same between one area and another area. Residents in the village of Tegal Smbi, District Annual, Jepara, Central Java, vent excited with fire. Hot fire and often feared would be a source of joy, excitement, even menungdang thousands of tourists anyway. every year, in Rejeh (Jumadilakir) on Tuesday night Pon, a resident of Tegal Sambi celebrate the Earth and War Alms Torches. The event's core grateful for their generosity in this universe is celebrated with about 50 men fight with each other wears hitting flaming torches. Confidence in the torch that can bring health is used as the basis for the implementation of the ceremonial torch War torch used is coconut leaf rolls and dried banana leaves are rolled up to a diameter of about 20 centimeters and a length of 3 meters, and burned edges. Fire lit torch big enough and age is also a few minutes, the fighters hit each other with the torch and the torch flame in clear terebar everywhere, even into the audience also during the implementation of the Torch War that only lasted about an hour, although there is fire everywhere, the atmosphere was hot and pungent smell of smoke, the atmosphere there is really cheerful and full of laughter. Hundreds of photographers from various places in Indonesia meet all strategic places to photograph. Local residents were photographing with a mobile phone camera can be seen everywhere if there is an injury to ignite? do not worry. There already exist masterfully prepared with a special potion. Once swab, contact the fire scars will heal in a few minutes later. Believe it or not, but that's the reality in Tegal Sambi Torch War
Buatlah komenter positif dan negatif (masing2 dalam bentuk paragraf) dan buatlah pendapat anda. bagaimana cara orang mensyukuri sesuatu tentu tidak akan sama antara satu daerah dan daerah lain. Penduduk di Desa Tegal Smbi, Kecamatan Tahunan, Kabupaten Jepara, Jawa Tengah, melampiaskan rasa gembiranya dengan api. Api yang panas dan sering ditakuti orang justru menjadi sumber kegembiraan, kemeriahan, bahkan bisa menungdang ribuan turis pula. setiap tahun, pada bulan Rejeh (Jumadilakir) pada malam Selasa Pon, penduduk Tegal Sambi merayakan Sedekah Bumi dan Perang Obor. Acara yang inti mensyukuri kemurahan alam semesta pada mereka ini dirayakan dengan pertarungan sekitar 50 pria dengan saling memukul memakai obor yang menyala. Kepercayaan terhadap api obor yang mampu mendatangkan kesehatan digunakan sebagai dasar pelaksanaan upacara Perang Obor obor yang dipakai adalah gulungan daun kelapa dan pelepah pisang kering yang digulung sampai berdiameter sekitar 20 sentimeter dan panjangnya 3 meter, lalu dibakar ujungnya. Api yang menyala cukup besar dan umur obor ini pun beberapa menit saja, Para petarung saling memukul dengan obor itu dan api yang ada di obor jelas terebar kemana-mana, bahkan ke arah penonton juga selama pelaksanaan Perang Obor yang hanya berlangsung sekitar satu jam, walau api ada di mana-mana, suasana terasa panas dan bau asap menyengat, suasana yang ada sungguh ceria dan penuh tawa. Ratusan fotografer dari berbagai tempat di Indonesia memenuhi segenap tempat yang startegis untuk memotret. Penduduk lokal yang memotret dengan kamera telepon seluler pun bisa dilihat di mana-mana kalau ada yang cedera kena api ? jangan khawatir. Di sana sudah ada ahlinya yang siap dengan ramuan khusus. Sekali usap, bekas luka kena api akan sembuh dalam beberapa menit kemudian. Boleh percaya atau tidak, tetapi itulah kenyataan di Perang Obor Tegal Sambi
Buatlah komenter positif dan negatif (masing2 dalam bentuk paragraf) dan buatlah pendapat anda. how people appreciate something would not be the same between one area and another area. Residents in the village of Tegal Smbi, District Annual, Jepara, Central Java, vent excited with fire. Hot fire and often feared would be a source of joy, excitement, even menungdang thousands of tourists anyway. every year, in Rejeh (Jumadilakir) on Tuesday night Pon, a resident of Tegal Sambi celebrate the Earth and War Alms Torches. The event's core grateful for their generosity in this universe is celebrated with about 50 men fight with each other wears hitting flaming torches. Confidence in the torch that can bring health is used as the basis for the implementation of the ceremonial torch War torch used is coconut leaf rolls and dried banana leaves are rolled up to a diameter of about 20 centimeters and a length of 3 meters, and burned edges. Fire lit torch big enough and age is also a few minutes, the fighters hit each other with the torch and the torch flame in clear terebar everywhere, even into the audience also during the implementation of the Torch War that only lasted about an hour, although there is fire everywhere, the atmosphere was hot and pungent smell of smoke, the atmosphere there is really cheerful and full of laughter. Hundreds of photographers from various places in Indonesia meet all strategic places to photograph. Local residents were photographing with a mobile phone camera can be seen everywhere if there is an injury to ignite? do not worry. There already exist masterfully prepared with a special potion. Once swab, contact the fire scars will heal in a few minutes later. Believe it or not, but that's the reality in Tegal Sambi Torch War

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