Soal bird is a king of animal with feathers and wings. birds are the only animals with feathers , although ,some other animals,such as insects and bats, also have wings. nearly all birds can fly, and even flightless birds, such as ostiches and penguins, evolved , from flying ancestors. birds are member of a group of animal called vertebrates , which possess a spinal column or backbone. other vertebrates are fish, amphibians , reptiles , and mammals. many characteristics behaviors of birds are distinct from all other animals, but there are some similarities. like mammals, birds have four-chambered hearts and are warm-blooded-having a relatively constant body temperature that enables them to live in a wide variety of enviroments, like reptiles , birds develop from embryos in eggs outside of the mother's body. highly developed animals, birds are sensitive and responsive , colorful and graceful, with habits that excite interest and inquiry. people have long been fascinated by birds , in part because birds are found in great abundance and variety in the same habitats in which humans thrive . and like people most species of birds are active during daylight hours. humans find inspiration in birds capacity for flght an in their musical calls. humans also find birds useful-their flesh and eggs for food , their feathers for warmth, and their companionship. perhaps a key basis for our rapport with birds is the similarity of our sensory worlds : booth birds and humans rely more heavily on hearing and colour vision than on smell. birds are useful indicators of the quality of the enviroment , because the health of bird populations mirrors the health of our enviroment. the rapid decline in bird populations and the accelerating extinction rates of birds in the world's forests, grasslands , wetlands, islands , are therefore reasons for great concern. -questions- 1. what are the characteristics of birds? what member are birds? 3. what is the meaning of vertebrate? 4. do birds have same characteristics with other animals? 5. what is the similarity between birds and reptile? 6. why have people been long fascinated by birds? 7. why are birds useful for humans? 8. what is the key basis for the rapport between human and birds? 9. what is function of birds related to healthy enviroment? 10. find the generic structure of the text above
Partice the dialogue below with your seatmate in front of class. then mention the meaning of the words below orally. luna: today is so bright. what do you think if we go for a walk ? kara : this afternoon? luna : yes. of course. kara : are you sure that it's not going to rain? luna : well, there is no could and the air is not so windy. kara : i know, but there is nothing wrong to go for a walk, isn't it? kara : yeah, what about the weather forecast for today? luna : it's said that the weather will bright all day long. so, i am pretty sure that it is not going to rain. kara : okay, but we should prepare rain coat or umbrella in case of rain. luna : okay, let's go then. QUESTIONS : 1. what are the girls? 2. what does luna want? 3. what does kra think about the weather nowadays? 4. is the weather windy? 5. what does the weather forecast say? 6. do they make their mind to go for walk? 7. which are the expressions used to ask for certainty? 8. which is the expressions used to give certainty? translate : Partice dialog di bawah ini dengan teman sebangku di depan kelas. kemudian menyebutkan arti dari kata-kata di bawah ini secara lisan. luna: hari ini begitu cerah. apa yang Anda pikir jika kita pergi untuk berjalan-jalan? kara: sore ini? luna: ya. tentu saja. kara: apakah Anda yakin bahwa itu tidak akan hujan? luna: baik, tidak ada yang bisa dan udara tidak begitu berangin. kara: saya tahu, tapi tidak ada yang salah untuk pergi untuk berjalan-jalan, bukan? kara: ya, bagaimana dengan ramalan cuaca untuk hari ini? luna: itu mengatakan bahwa cuaca akan cerah sepanjang hari. jadi, aku cukup yakin bahwa itu tidak akan hujan. kara: oke, tapi kita harus mempersiapkan mantel hujan atau payung kasus dari hujan. luna: oke, mari kita pergi kemudian. PERTANYAAN: 1. apa yang anak-anak? 2. apa luna inginkan? 3. apa kra berpikir tentang cuaca saat ini? 4. adalah cuaca berangin? 5. apa ramalan cuaca mengatakan? 6. apakah mereka membuat pikiran mereka untuk pergi untuk berjalan-jalan? 7. yang merupakan ekspresi yang digunakan untuk meminta kepastian? 8. yang merupakan ekspresi yang digunakan untuk memberikan kepastian? Google Terjemahan untuk Bisnis:Perangkat PenerjemahPenerjemah Situs WebPeluang Pasar Global

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