Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Do każdego akapitu dopasuj właściwy nagłówek (A–D). Wpisz odpowiednią literę obok numeru każdego akapitu. Uwaga! Jeden nagłówek został podany dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnego akapitu.A. What is interaction? B. Is there anything like the perfect interaction? C. Who to interact with? D. Is interaction really important?How to interact with other people - that is the question. We ask ourselves about it all the time. How to do it? What should we do to succeed in human interaction? What is interaction? Is there anything like the perfect interaction? We will try to answer these questions in this article.2.1. _______ When we think about the word 'interaction' itself, we will probably come to the conclusion that interaction means talking to people. And this is partly true. Interaction is talking to other people, but not only talking. This talking is to achieve a certain goal, for example to make someone interested in our point of view.2.2. _______ No, there is no such thing. We are all imperfect and far from ideal. But there is definitely something we could call a good interaction. What is it? Basically, it is one that achieves its aim, for instance it successfully convinces someone that what we are saying is right and what they are saying is wrong.2.3. _______ Obviously, there are no guidelines about which people you can freely talk to, and which you should avoid. After all, can you ignore someone just because you don't like the person? There might come a day when you could need something from this someone, and what would you do then? It's best to interact with most people, though there are ones with whom you will never interact, for various reasons. To conclude, we cannot survive without interaction and we have to admit it. If we do not talk to people, if we don't communicate, how is the society supposed to function?
Odpowiedz wpisujac: enough, too much lub too many Shall we play outside? No, it isn't warm.......outside today.Does that t-shirt fit you? No.This one isn't big.......Are you going to buy that game? No, I'm not. It costs..........I don`t earn …................... to afford such expensive tourYou add …................ salt! This soup is not tasty!She is tall …............... She doesn`t have to wear high heels2.Dopisz liczebniki porządkowe:12351218203080903.Wstaw odpowiednie słowa w luki 1. when you write your …......... , try to get all the information on two pages 2. Most young people want to be …....... of their parents before they are twenty - five 3. Successful people are usually …........... 4. There is a goverment …..... to make public transport better 5. London is a very …..... city. You can see people from all over the world there.6. I don`t think that it is a good idea to take a ….............. cosmopolitan , confident , programme , CV , independent , gap year4.Połącz czasowniki z rzeczownikami:solvecommitcommitpick upearncausespendwastedrawa suicide, money, an accident, time, mushrooms, a problem, a mistake, a picture, money on sth5.Wpisz brakujące wyrazy w luki:I can`t …............ this drummerWhat ….............. tidying the room?What do you think about soul? - It is not ….... but I prefer heavy metalWhat …........... of music do you like?I …......... like this vocalist!kind, about, really, bad, stand

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