1. Uporzadkuj wyrazy w zdaniach.:(zad. 1/71 Matura Explorer Pre-intermediate Students Book)1. Hold/a/find/moment/while/on/I try/to/her2.I'm/that/there's/afraid/answer/no3.Would/to/you/message/like/leave/a?4.I/so,/think/I'll/later/call/don't/back5.When/to/be/ring/a/time/good/would/for/me?6. Try/in/again/hour/half/an/about7. I'll/Ms Marsh/tell/call/to/yuor/expect8. I'll/half/back/in/ring/hour/anZad.1,2/40 Matura Explore Pre-intermediata Workbook):zad.1Danuta is in London and is telephoning about an au pair's job she has seen advertised. Complete Danuta's conversation with Andy Nolan with the words and exxpressions from the box.a goog time to call; could I speak to; hold on; how I can help; I am afraid she's busy; I'll ring back then; I'll try again later; I'm ringing up about; shall we say; vacancy; would you like to give meD=Danuta, A=AndyD: Good evening._______________ Mr or Mrs Nolan, please?A: This is Andy Nolan._____________________?D: Well,_________________________ the au pair job. Do you still have a ______________________?A: You nedd to speak to my wife, Becca about that.____________________ and I'll find her for you._________________________ at the moment._______________________ your number?D: No, that's all right._________________ when she's free. When would be ____________________?A:_______________________ in half an hour?D: OK _________________________zad.2Put the conversation between Danuta and Becca Nolan in the right order by numbering sentences a-o1-15.B=Becca, D=Danuta B: Hello. Becca Nolan.a B: Yes, of coursee,go ahead.b D: Well, I'm 19 years old and I've just finished high school. I want to stay here for a year to improve my English. Next Year I'm planning to go to university.c B: I'm glad to hear it. We don't want a smoker. Are you interested?d B: We pay $80 a week, and you have your own room, meals and English classe.e D: Hell, Mrs Nolan. My name is Danuta. I spoke to your husband earlier.f D: English classes too- that's goog. And what does the person have to do?g B: No, my husband and I deal with bedtime. One last thing-do you smoke?h B: I see. Have you ever taken care of children before?i D: What about bedtime?j B: Oh, jes, about the au pair job. Can you tell me something about yourself?k D: Mm, jes, I am - definitely. Can I come and see you and the children?l D: Well, can you tell me something about the conditions?m D: No, I don't.n D: Yes, I have. Two-year-old twins. Is it OK if I ask you some questions?o B: They have to look after the children, feed them, and wash and iron their clothes. B: Yes, let's arrange a time when you can come over.Poprosze chociaz o wieksza polowe jak ktos zrobi cale to dam naj.
Matura explorer pre-intermadiate workbookk str.30 zad. 1,2,3.Proszę o rozwiązanie chociaż większej połowy. Jak ktoś rozwiąże całe dam naj.1Mark, Jenny and Paul are disscusing their holiday plans. They are planning visit the Małopolska region of Poland and are looking at a brochure they have downloaded from the internet.Read the conversation and complete it with the words and expressions.don't we, how about, how far, how long, I'd like to, let's have, shall we, that's a good idea, we could, what ifM=Mark, J=Jenny, P=PaulM:Wchich route (1) _______ take? There are so many to choose form.J: This wooden architecture route looks interesting.M: Yes, I've never seen anything like it before.P: OK, then why (2) ___________ choose this one? There are some marvellous wooden churches and manor houses to see.M: Yes, but it seems very long to me.P: That's true. (3) _____________ miss out some of the sights.J: Yes, but that would be a pity. (4) __________ taking the Łemko route - that's a big shorter. It goes through the territory of the Łemko people.P: yES, (5) _______________. We can do another one next time. (6) __________ does this one take?J: Well, three or four days I think.M: Three or four days! (7) ______ is it?P: Well, let me see ... 700 kilometres. The scenery looks so beatiful too.M: You're right but I don't want to see it all from acar. (8) _______ we spend a week on the trip?P: Yes, that way we can see a lot more of the things that interests us.M: OK. (9) ____________ a look at the hostels and campsites where we can stay.P: (10) ____________ take our bikes too. I don't want to be in a car all the time.J: Yes, you're right. We can can choose somewhere as a base and then cycle around.2. Rearrange the words to form full sentences.1. it/how/is/from/far/London to Bristol/?______________________________2. long/coach/it/take/get/does/to/how/there/by/?________________________________3. know/to/I'd/the/Liverpool/like/times/trains/of/to_______________________________4.at/have/a/timetable/the/let's/look________________________________5.train/overnight/how/the/about/taking/Edinburgh/to/?________________________________6. don't/we/tourist office/information/to/go/the/for/why/?__________________________________3. Write what you say in the following situations.1. You want to watch a documentary on TV tonight about Japan. Make a suggestion with how about._______________________________________________2. You want to know the distance between Warsaw and Gdańsk. Make a question with how far.____________________________3. You want to know the time you need to travel from London to Liverpool by coach. Make a question with how long.____________________________________4. You want to play table tennis. Suggest a game of table tennis to your friend with why don't.________________________________5. Suggest having a look at a guidebook To New York with shall we._________________________________
1.Na podstawie nastepujacego paragrafu The programmes focus on the use of science in solving crimes, and much of the action takes place in laboratory. The equipment used on the shows is real, but the big difference ic how they use it. On CSI a computer automatically matches fingerprints to those in its database. But in real lifee, scientist must perform such detailed work. And while DNA testing on the show is instant, in real life is takes at least a week. Real-life forensic scientists have to do alot of paperwork but viewiers don't want to see someone behind a desk. Scientists are also too busy to focus on a single case, and they may work on more than 20 at the same time.stresć róznice miedzy the TV show CSI and real-life crime scene investigation, w kwestiach :-equipment-fingerprints-DNA-cases2.Odgadnij hasla:1. A street thief who robs you with threats and violence.(na 6 liter)2. The formal occasion when a case is heard in court (na 5)3. A person who sees a crime take place. (na 7 )4. A person who uses their computer to look at or stel private information (na 6)5. A group of ordinary people who are chosen to decide a court case. (4)6. wHAT THE POLICE LOOK FOR TO PROVE THAT SOMEONE IS GUILTY (8)7. Someone who robs you in public, without you noticing (10)8. A thief who breaks into a house, often at night. (8)9. A legal proffesional ( 6)10. To admit that you did something bad (7)11. The pearson who decides a criminals's punishment (5)12. The car that robbbbers escape in (7)13. A robbery using a gun (6)14. The opposite of "guilty"15. A thief who steals from a shop (10)16. A pearson who keeps a pearson prisoner until their family pays money. (9 )3. Make word partners with a word from box A and one from box B.A- armchair, crime, dramatic, field, forensic, stientific, takeB- detective, evidence, expierence, increase, place, scene, science.Prosze chociaz o rozwiazanie wiekszej polowy.

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