uzupełnij odpowiednimi słowami w miejsca kropek: 1.Do you …………… lending me your dictionary? 2. John (earn) ....................................................................... a lot of money lately. 3. Brian has little time to relax. (MUCH) Brian does .......................................................................................... time to relax. 4. …………. first I felt a bit nervous. 5. When I woke up this morning, the sun (shine) ........................................................ 6. You won’t succeed if you don’t try. (UNLESS) You won’t succeed ............................................................................ 7. Are you careful ……… money? 8. I promise I (help) .............................................................. you. 9. We should protect the environment. (BE) The environment ............................................................................ 10. My grandmother is ………………….. She gets a pension every month. 11. I’d rather (go) ....................................................................... to Moscow. 12. Lisa has lived in London for two years. (MOVED) Lisa ........................................................................................ two years ago. 13. The film is set …….. a little town north of Cardiff. 14./ I (leave) ............................................................ tomorrow at 10.00. 15.In my opinion you shouldn’t buy this dress. (NOT) If I were you, I ......................................................................................... this dress. Dziękuję za pomoc!!!!<3333
Uzupełnij w miejsca kropek odpowiednie słowa 1. I can recommend the book ……….. anyone. 2. Kate (sit) ..................................................... in the garden when her friend arrived. 3. Monica wasn’t given a birthday present. (GAVE) Nobody ............................................................................ birthday present. 4. ……….. conclusion, I want to thank you for your help. 5. My parents (not / approve) ................................................. such unwise decisions. 6. You should see this film. (WORTH) This film ............................................................................ 7. ………….. what! I’ve just passed my driving test! 8. (Run) ....................................................................... is my hobby. 9. ‘Don’t go to the mountains alone!’ (NOT) He told us .......................................................................... to the mountains alone. 10. My favourite part …………. the city is the Main Square. 11. You can always (rely / I) ............................................................ 12. It isn’t necessary for you to come so early. (NEED) You do ............................................................................ come so early. 13. That’s the bank ....................... Tom works. 14.What time (have / lunch) ..................................................................... yesterday? 15. In spite of being rich, Mike isn’t happy. (IS) Although ............................................................................, he isn’t happy. Dziękuję za pomoc
uzupełnij w miejsca kropek odpowiednie słowa 1.Tell me what you are laughing ………… 2. (they / go) .............................................................. London yet? 3. I don’t remember your name. (HAVE) I ............................................................................ your name. 4. We are friends and we help each …………. 5. It (be / beautiful) ................................................................ sunset I have ever seen. 6. My plan is to buy a new flat. (PLANNING) I .................................................................................................... buy a new flat. 7. To sum …….., you must read this book. 8. Why (you / laugh) ............................................................? What’s so funny? 9. ‘Do you drink coffee, Kate?’ (IF) Tim asked Kate ............................................................................ coffee. 10. …………….. example, you can visit the castle. 11. My mother (learn / cook) ............................................................ when she was 30. 12. Mary laughed when I told her the joke. (LAUGH) The joke ............................................................................ 13. Joanna swims ............. a fish. 14. Remember (buy) ........................................................................... a bottle of water. 15. There is no toilet in the pub. (NO) The pub ........................................................................................ Dziękuję za pomoc z góry!
uzupełnij w miejsca kropek odpowiednie słowa 1.Jane is not angry …………………… you. 2. What (Fiona / think) ................................................................. of her new teacher? 3. My sister can’t sleep with the lights on. (ARE) My sister can’t sleep unless ............................................................................... off. 4. I really disapprove ………. such stupid jokes. 5. Do you know when (this castle / build) ................................................................ ? 6. The thieves took the money. (BY) The money ............................................................................ the thieves. 7. We have ………….. get up at 7:00. 8. Where (you / usually / spend) .................................................... summer holidays? 9. Have you ever participated in a swimming competition? (PART) Have you ever ................................................................. a swimming competition? 10. What happened ………. you? 11. You (should / take) .................................................................. a few days off work. 12. I stayed at home because it was raining. (OF) I stayed at home ........................................................................................ rain. 13.How many mistakes have you …………… in your English test? 14. (not shout) ............................................................ at me! 15. This shop is closed at 9.00. (OPEN) This shop ........................................................................... at 8.00. Dziękuję za pomoc!
uzupełnij w miejsca kropek odpowiednie słowa 1. I ................ where Fiona lives. 2. How many people (come) .............................................. to the meeting yesterday? 3. Ben is in Russia now. (HAS) Ben ............................................................................ Russia. 4. I lived in Poznań ........................ 20 years. 5. Henry (be interested) ..................................................... horses since he was 10. 6. I last ate a banana three days ago. (NOT) I ..................................... a banana for three days. 7. Could you do me ............... favour? 8. James (be / hospital) .............................................................................. for a week. 9. My sister doesn’t like horror films very much. (FOND) My sister is not .................................................................................... horror films 10. It was the worst book I have …………….. read. 11. I (hate / dance) ...................................................................... but my sister loves it. 12. Everyone sang except for Tim. (NOT) The only person that did .................................................................................. Tim. 13. What date is …………. today? 14. Gina (be / angry) ............................................................................ Tom yesterday. 15. My mother treats sick animals. (AS) My mother works ............................................................................ Dziękuję za pomoc!
Uzupełnij odpowiednie słowa w miejsca kropek 1.Who do these gloves belong ...........? 2. My father (work / teacher) ............................................................................. 3. Cooking is easy for me. (FIND) I ............................................................................ easy. 4. It was too late ................ go out. 5. A lot of people (be afraid / fly) ............................................................................. 6. This is my book. (MINE) This ........................................................................................ 7.My parents are proud ........... me. 8. I (be surprised) ................................................................... his decision. 9. The museum is so big that you won’t have enough time to see everything today. (SUCH) It is.................. museum that you won’t have enough time to see everything today. 10.We’ll be late ........... school. 11. I (not clean) ................................................... the house because I didn’t have time. 12. It must be boring to live alone. (SURE) I ............................................................................ is boring to live alone. 13. Is it OK .............. I borrow your book? 14. Tom (not have) ................................................................. as many friends as John. 15. ‘Did you like the film?’ she asked (LIKED) She asked if ........................................................................................ the film. Dziękuję za pomoc!
Uzupełnij odpowiednie słowa w miejsca kropek 1. Would you like me to ................. you a joke? 2.We started our journey early (avoid) .......................................................... traffic. 3. It’s possible that the Browns will visit us tomorrow. (MAY) The Browns ........................................................................................ tomorrow. 4.Gina was brought ........................ by her aunt. 5.I (not / want) ............................................................ go out tonight. 6. I’m sure Lisa is at work. (MUST) Lisa ............................................................................ at work. 7.Do you always take ............. the rubbish? 8. I don’t mind (help) .............................................................. you. 9. My father hasn’t smoked for three months . (STOPPED) My father ............................................................................... three months ago. 10. Last night I broke a glass .................. mistake. 11. They (hardly ever / come) .......................................................................... on time. 12. You must paint the fence as soon as possible. (BE) The fence................................................................................... as soon as possible. 13. Look! The house is ............ fire! 14. What (you / keep) ................................................................... in all these drawers? 15. You are tired because you work too much. (BE) You ................................................................. tired if you didn’t work so much. Dziękuje za pomoc!
Wpisz w miejsca kropek odpowiednie słowa: 1.Cracow ............................... visited by lots of tourists. 2.Would you buy these shoes if they ............................... cheaper? 3.Kate (take) ............................................................ a photo when she saw a mouse. 4.My house is small. Your house is big. (THAN) Your house is ............................................................................ 5. The ........................ Minister’s official residence is 10 Downing Street. 6. (your son / make) .............................................................. his bed in the morning? 7. Peter is more intelligent than Paul. (INTELLIGENT) Paul ............................................................................ than Peter. 8. ......................... Day is the day after Christmas Day. 9. There (be / no chocolates) ...................................................................... in the box. 10. They haven’t caught the thief yet. (BEEN) The thief ........................................................................................ caught yet. 11. I would .................. to be able to speak French. 12. It often (rain) ............................................................ here. 13. The flowers will die unless you water them. (NOT) If you ............................................................................ the flowers, they will die. 14.Let’s go to London, ................. we? 15. (your sister / cook) ............................................................................... lunch yet? 16. Betty is taller than Jane. (THAN) Jane ............................................................................ Betty Dziękuję za pomoc!
Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi słowami w miejsca kropek: 1.Can you be expelled ......................... school for playing truant? 2. Yesterday Ben (stop) the police. 3. I will only play chess if you play with me. (UNLESS) I won’t play chess .................................................................................... with me. 4. What foreign ............................... do you speak? 5. Kate (never / surf) ............................................................................... the Internet. 6. ‘Let’s eat out!’ said Henry. (SUGGESTED) Henry ............................................................................. 7. The theft was sentenced ........................ three months in prison. 8. When (you / last / sleep) ........................................................................... in a tent? 9. Tim was so tired that he couldn’t drive. (TOO) Tim was ............................................................................ drive. 10.The bank is ......................... to the police station. 11. He said that he (visit) ............................................................ me the following day. 12. I get to school in 10 minutes. (TAKES) ...................................................................................... 10 minutes to get to school. 13.Susan ............................... shopping every day. 14. What time (you / get up) ........................................................................ yesterday? 15. Susan was very sad. She couldn’t stop crying. (THAT) Susan was ......................................................................... she couldn’t stop crying dziękuję za pomoc!
Uzupełnij w miejsce kropek odpowiednie słowa: 1. What is your city famous ......................... ? 2. My boss (expect / I / work) ................................................................. at weekends. 3. Lisa couldn’t start her car so I helped her. (TO) I helped Lisa ................................................................... her car. 4. Would you buy these shoes if they ............................... cheaper? 5. Kate (take) ............................................................ a photo when she saw a mouse. 6.My house is small. Your house is big. (THAN) Your house is ............................................................................ 7. The ........................ Minister’s official residence is 10 Downing Street. 8. (your son / make) .............................................................. his bed in the morning? 9. Peter is more intelligent than Paul. (INTELLIGENT) Paul ............................................................................ than Peter. 10. ......................... Day is the day after Christmas Day. 11. There (be / no chocolates) ...................................................................... in the box. 12. They haven’t caught the thief yet. (BEEN) The thief ........................................................................................ caught yet. 13. I would .................. to be able to speak French. 14.It often (rain) ............................................................ here. 15. The flowers will die unless you water them. (NOT) If you ............................................................................ the flowers, they will die. Dziękuję z góry za pomoc!
Uzupełnij w miejsca kropek odpowiednie słowa: 1.Will you look ............................... my dog while I’m on holiday? 2. I’m dead tired. I (run) ..................................................................... 10 kilometres. 3. Kate speaks German. Susan speaks Italian. (DIFFERENT) Kate and Susan .................................................. 4. Could I ........................ to Jane, please? 5. A new pub (open) ................................................................. in my city last week. 6. It’s necessary to inform them about the accident. (HAVE) We ............................................................................ them about the accident. 7. I get ........... at 9:00 on Sundays. 8. A new cinema (open) ........................................................... in my city next month. 9. These are the flowers. I bought them yesterday. (THAT) These are the flowers ....................................................... yesterday. 10. I’m not ............................... fit as my brother. 11. Simon (never / drive) ............................................................................... a car. 12. It’s a long time since Tom visited Kate. (NOT) Tom ............................................................................ Kate for a long time. 13.Who was the first man ........................ space? 14. Who (America / discover) .............................................................................. by? 15. Driving fast is dangerous. (TO) It is dangerous ............................................................................ Dziękuję za pomoc!
uzupełnij odpowiednimi słowami w miejsce kropek 1.These are the photos ........................ I took in Spain. 2.. This is (narrow) ............................................................................ street in the city. 3.I think you should give up smoking. (YOU) If I ............................................................................, I would give up smoking. 4.She doesn’t smoke now, but she ......................... to smoke a lot. 5. Susan will phone me as soon as she (come) ................................................. home. 5. Coffee used to be expensive. (NOT) Coffee did ........................................................................................ be cheap. 6.Cracow ............................... visited by lots of tourists. 7.I don’t know how (explain) ................................................................................ it. 8. I don’t want to disappoint you. (LET) I don’t want to ............................................................................ 9.How about ....................... a weekend in the mountains? 10.Gina (buy) ............................................................................ a flat last month. 11. Imagine your glasses are stolen. (DO) What ............................................................................ if your glasses were stolen. 12.You won’t catch the bus ......................... you leave home now. 13. Who (they / invite) ............................................................ the party? 14.I (not drink) .................................. anything since I had a cup of coffee in the pub. 15. I often went skiing when I was a child. (USED) I ....................................................................................... skiing when I was a child. Dziękuje z góra za pomoc!
uzupełnij z miejsca kropek słowa.1. My grandad gave me two ......................... of chocolate.2. Mike (revise) ................................................................................ for an exam now.3. Susan failed the exam. (NOT) Susan ......................................................................... the exam.4.We’ve got nowhere to stay. Could you put us ............................... ?5. One of (he / friend) ............................................................... is a famous architect.6. Their garden is so big that you can get lost in it. (SUCH) They have ............................................................. garden that you can get lost in it.7.Our teacher was in a good ........................ yesterday.8. Everyone (like) .................................................. Tom. He’s very friendly.9. Mike’s car is newer than mine. (AS) My car isn’t ....................................................................... Mike’s car.10. I was scared to ......................... when I saw a boar in front of me.11. Let’s (put / armchair) .............................................................. next to the fireplace.12. The book was too long for me to read. (SUCH) It was ......................................................................... book that I couldn’t read it.13. I’ve had a pet ............................... I was 5.14. (you / be worried) ..................................................................................... your son?15. He hasn’t drunk coffee for two weeks. (TIME) The last ......................................................................... coffee was two weeks ago.dziękuję za pomoc!!
Uzupełnij w miesjca kropek odpowiednie słowa 1. ........................ a beautiful bracelet! 2. Mike (not propose) .................................................................... Mary yet. 3. This is my cousin’s house. IN This is the house ................................................................................. cousin lives. 4. Do you often help ......................... other? 5. The coffee table is (front) .................................................................... the fireplace. 6. Who ate the cake? BY Who was the ................................................................................. 7. Let’s meet ............................... front of the theatre. 8. She lives (north) .................................................................... Poland. 9. Somebody has stolen my money. (BEEN) My money ................................................................................. 10. She’s the woman ........................ son is a famous writer. 11. (you / be proud) ............................................................................ me? 12. How much water do you need? (BOTTLES) How ................................................................................. water do you need? 13. Is the entrance free ......................... charge? 14. If Susan (not / come) ................................................................ soon, I will call her. 15. The chair is behind the bed. (FRONT) The bed is ................................................................................. the chair. Dziękuję za pomoc!
W miejsce kropek uzupełnij odpowiednimi wyrazami 1. Everyone is happy, aren’t ......................... ? 2. We went to Moscow (end) ............................................................................... May. 3. There are no chairs in Kate’s room. (NOT) There ................................................................................. chairs in Kate’s room. 4. I’m used ............................... living on the outskirts. 5. Who (you / borrow) ....................................................................... this book from? 6. Was England a republic in the past? (BE) Did England .......................................................................... a republic in the past? 7. When ........................ your birthday? 8. Tom (fall / love) ...................................................................... Lisa three years ago. 9. You mustn’t enter this room! (ALLOWED) It’s not ................................................................................. this room. 10. How old ......................... Kate and Jim? 11. Could you buy two (box / chocolates) ........................................................, please? 12. Tom never comes on time. (NOT) Tom ................................................................................. 13. It took us an hour ............................... get to the top of the mountain. 14. How long (you /married) ...................................................................................... ? 15. Healthy diet is very important. (EAT) It’s very important ................................................................................. Dziękuję za pomoc z góry!
Napisz w miejsca kropek odpowiednie słowa 1. London is bigger ............................... Warsaw. 2. You can read a lot of interesting articles (Internet) .................................................. 3. I have no intention of swimming here. (AM) I ......................................................................... to swim here. 4. She asked ........................ I lived there. 5. I can’t (afford / buy) ....................................................................... a new flat. 6. He repairs pipes. (AS) He works ................................................................................ 7. This author has written two books ......................... far. 8. The computer (should / switch) .......................................................... off after use. 9. It’s Sunday today. We‘re flying to London on Tuesday. (TWO) We’re flying to London ................................................................................ 10. Your hat is really nice. I like ............................... 11. You (not allow) .................................................................... smoke here. 12. This shop isn’t open on Saturday and Sunday. (CLOSED) This shop ....................................................................... on Saturday and Sunday. 13. You always ........................ me laugh. 14. I spent two days (redecorate) .............................................................. my bedroom. 15. He can’t drive a car because he’s only fourteen. (YOUNG) He is ................................................................................. drive a car. Dziękuję za pomoc!
uzupełnij w miejsce kropek odpowiednie słowa 1. We’ve been married ........................ 10 years. 2. What colour (be / your hair) ....................................................................................? 3. Michael is a professional dancer. (PROFESSIONALLY) Michael ......................................................................... 4. Alice was brought ......................... by her aunt. 5. Don’t forget (feed) ............................................................................. the dog. 6. Tom and I have the same number of pencils. (MANY) I have ......................................................................... as Tom. 7. When my son is nervous, he tends to ............................... his nails. 8. Did you remember (close) .................................................................... the door? 9. He’ll try as hard as he can to finish the race. (BEST) He’ll ......................................................................... to finish the race. 10. These trousers are ........................ of fashion. 11. Stop (shout / she) .............................................................................! 12. How much are the apples? (COST) How much do ....................................................................... ? 13. What’s ......................... fashion now? 14. Don’t ask (I) ....................................................................... such stupid questions! 15. Riding a bike here isn’t allowed. (NOT) You ......................................................................... a bike here. dziękuję za pomoc!

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