DeforestationIt means the removal of trees and forests, usuallythrough cutting or burning. In South America, mostdeforestation takes place because of a need foragricultural land. In countries with poor economies,such as those in South America, people turn toagriculture to meet the everyday needs of living.The causes of deforestation re mainly related to acompetitive global economy, which forces poorercountries to use their only resources for money.This happens both locally and nationally. Locally,people use land for farming to make money, due topoverty and increasing populations. Nationally,governments sell logging concessions to coverdebts and develop industries.The problem is, using their forests is only ashort-term solution, which is causing even worse,and long-term effects. Trees are made of about50% carbon, so when trees are burnt, carbon isreleased into the atmosphere. Cutting them downreduces the amount of rain, raising temperaturesand allowing the sun to heat up the land and dry itout. Also greatly affected are the animals and plantsthat live in the rainforests. Tropical rainforestshold about 50% of earth’s species of animal. Whenwe destroy their habitat, we kill them too.Tick  the correct answer:a- The text is :argumentative  informative  narrative b- The text is mainly about : the solutions to deforestation the causes and effects of deforestation the effects and solutions to deforestationCorrect the following false statements withprecise details :a- Deforestation takes place in developed countries._______________________________________________________b- Deforestation happens only at the national level._______________________________________________________c- The cutting and burning of trees effects mainly theMan._______________________________________________________d- Deforestation is not as dangerous as many peoplethink. Ayuda es para mañana

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