(poziom 5 klasy min 150 slow) napisz kilka zdan o sobie, uzywajac wyrazen: -go to school -meet friends -play football -swim -play games -go home -do homework -read a book -watch TV -go to bed
Jestem Adam mam 13 lat i chodzę do szkoły gimnazjalnej. Często po lekcjach spotykam się z przyjaciółmi. Razem z moimi kolegami lubimy grać w piłkę nożną. W weekendy razem z moją młodszą siostrą chodzę na basen popływać. Gdy mam wolny czas gram na komputerze w moją ulubioną grę Joanna D'arc. Mam blisko ze szkoły do domu, do domu idę około 10 minut. Po obiedzie odrabiam zadania z pracy domowej. Po tem ide ogladać telewizje. Pod wieczór czytam ksiażkę. Po 2 rozdziałach idę spać.
I'm Adam 13 years old and I go to the gymnasium. Often, after school I meet my friends. Together with my colleagues like to play football. On weekends with my younger sister go to the swimming pool. When I have free time I play on the computer in my favorite game of Joan of Arc. I am almost home from school, I go home about 10 minutes. After lunch, writing assignments with their homework. After this ide watch TV. Towards evening I read a book. After 2 chapters I go to sleep.
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I go to school at half past eight.After school I meet my friends.I play football at two o' clock.I swim at three o'clock.I play games at four o'clock. I go home at half past six.I do homework in the afternoon.I read a book at half past seven.I watch TV at nine o ' clock. I go to bed at half past ten.
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I must go to school every day because I must learn. I like meet my friends. They are like brother and sister for me.(oni są jak brat i siostra dla mnie). We go to the cinema and to the swimming pool. We have many subjects. I hate play football because I couldn't play in this sport. I love swim. I swim every week. I mustn't play games because I was rude.I come back to home at 23 o'clock and I don't go to school because I don't like learn. I go home after school at 16 o'clock. I do my homework at the night because I prefer watch Tv. I like read books, my favourite are science-fiction and adventure. I watch Tv after school. I like watch "Harry Potter". I go to bed at 22 o'clock every day because I must wake up at the morning.
I'm Adam 13 years old and I go to the gymnasium. Often, after school I meet my friends. Together with my colleagues like to play football. On weekends with my younger sister go to the swimming pool. When I have free time I play on the computer in my favorite game of Joan of Arc. I am almost home from school, I go home about 10 minutes. After lunch, writing assignments with their homework. After this ide watch TV. Towards evening I read a book. After 2 chapters I go to sleep.
I like meet my friends. They are like brother and sister for me.(oni są jak brat i siostra dla mnie). We go to the cinema and to the swimming pool. We have many subjects.
I hate play football because I couldn't play in this sport.
I love swim. I swim every week.
I mustn't play games because I was rude.I come back to home at 23 o'clock and I don't go to school because I don't like learn.
I go home after school at 16 o'clock.
I do my homework at the night because I prefer watch Tv.
I like read books, my favourite are science-fiction and adventure.
I watch Tv after school. I like watch "Harry Potter".
I go to bed at 22 o'clock every day because I must wake up at the morning.