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Parę lat temuprzydarzyło mi się coś dziwnego, a zarazem strasznego. Mam kota, nazywa się Manfred. Jest co prawda zwyczajnym, ale pięknym, zadbanym, dużym kotem, który lubi znikać.
Pewnego dnia , kiedy myłam zęby, jak zwykle mi się przyglądał, siedząc obok pralki. W pewnym momencie odwróciłam się, a jego już nie było. To dziwne, zawsze, kiedy myję zęby, Manfred na mnie patrzy. Więc rozglądam się po mieszkaniu - zniknął. Będąc czujna, wróciłam do łazienki, tam zastałam kota siedzącego w tej samej pozycji, w tym samym miejscu. Zrobiło mi się trochę głupio, teleportował się?! Zignorowałam to i dalej przygotowywałam się do wyjścia. Po pewnym czasie zeszłam już na dół, idąc w kierunku szkoły. Gdy mijałam rosnące pod blokiem krzaki, usłyszałam miauczenie. Spojrzałam w stronę roślin, gdy zobaczyłam zaplątanego w nie Manfreda! Szybko uwolniłam kota, jednocześnie spoglądając na nasze mieszkanie, jedno z okien było otwarte! Wyskoczył, ale spadł w krzaki, ja poszłam do szkoły,a mama zaniosła go do weterynarza. Na szczęście nic mu się nie stało.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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A few years ago, something happened to me a strange, yet terrible. I have a cat named Manfred. It is true that the ordinary, but beautiful, well kept, big cat, who likes to disappear. One day when I washed his teeth, as usual, I watched, sitting next to the washing machine. At one point I turned around, and it was gone. It's weird, whenever I brush my teeth, Manfred looks at me. So I look around the apartment - has disappeared. Being vigilant, I returned to the bathroom, where I found the cat sitting in the same position in the same place. I felt a little silly, teleported! I ignored this and more was preparing to leave. After some time already walked downstairs, walking toward the school. When I passed the bushes growing on the block, I heard meowing. I looked toward the plant, when I saw Manfred tangled in it! Quickly freed the cat, while looking at our apartment, one of the windows were open! He jumped, but fell into the bushes, I went to school, and my mother carried the him to the vet. Luckily nothing had happened to him.
Few years ago something strange and scary happend to me. I have a cat, his name is Manfred. He is normal, beautiful well-cared big cat, and he likes to disappear.
One day when I was washing my teeth, as allways he looked at me sitting next to washing machine. In one moment I turned back, but he wasn't there anymore.
This is strange, allways when i brush my teeth Manfred is looking at me, so I'm looking around the apartment but he's gone. Being vigilant i went back to the bathroom, and i saw cat sitting in the same position in the same place. I felt a little bit stupid, did he teleported himself ?!
I ignored it and still prepared myself to going out.
After some time i went down going to school. When I was walking near bushes growing by the block i heard meowing. I looked in the bushes and I saw entangled Manfred. I quickly let him free at the same time looking at my apartment, one of the windows was opened! He jumped out but he felt to the bushes. I went to school and mom went with Manfred to the vet. Fortunetly he was OK.